Make Your Message Better Every Time With This Simple Question
It’s like walking a tightrope. Lean too far to either side, and you’ll lose your balance and topple. This is what’s happening with a lot of businesses running online marketing programs out there. You’ve got folks leaning so far to the commerce side of things, that their messages become rote. They talk about exciting stuff, but more »

What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up During Your Launch
We’ve all had these times where when we don’t know what else to do when things don’t work out. You know, the time where you know your intuition is leading you in the right direction, but something is still off on the “how.” You know that you are meant to share, educate, and lead with love, more »

Embracing The Evolution Of Your Purpose
There’s a lot of talk about finding your purpose in the self-help world. I’ve never been into it. I find the idea that any one of us has one particular purpose limiting. I love the fact that I’m lit up by being a writer, a marketer, a friend, a community creator, a leader, a mom, more »

Take Time Off (And Still Make Money)
Today, we’re talking about how to take time off from your business without losing money. Now, this is particularly relevant for me at the moment because I’ve just been on holidays. It was my first holiday in quite a while because I’ve had a mindset that I wasn’t allowed to take time off from my more »

Take Struggle OFF the Menu
Where is struggle living in your body? Where is it living in your business? I hear from you the struggle of how do I price, how do I message, how do I sell my work, how do I create new clients? Under all the hows is a “running away” from struggle. Stop and breathe that more »

Cover Interview: Paulette Rees-Denis On Bringing Magic Back
Paulette Rees-Denis travels the globe teaching and coaching using feminine tribal bellydance, words, and desires. She is a Life Coach – Movement, Momentum, and Magic – and uses the inspiring and motivational tools of her Dance and Desire methodology, to follow your soul desires through movement and dance, words, and personal creative freedom, opening to more »

3 Steps to Style Confidence
I am committed to ending wardrobe frustration for women. This is about adding ease to your morning routine so you can focus on the things that are important (family, career goals, yourself) while also feeling like you’re ready to SLAY the day. This is what style is about – your CONFIDENCE in yourself as you go more »

Follow Your Frustration
Frustration and lack of fulfillment are real. They’re not sexy and they’re not buzzwords, and any marketer worth their salt will tell you (and have told me) that’s not what people are lying awake at night thinking about. And maybe they’re right. But this I know: It IS how people are feeling on the daily. more »

You Get To Decide How You Feel
Each morning when I wake up, I marvel at the sunrise then almost immediately feel overwhelmed by everything I want to do: – go for a run – meditate – practice yoga – write to you – finish projects – clean the house – start on the next project The list goes on and on more »