10 Questions to Help You Freak that Brand and Biz


Ever feel watered down in your brand? Or bland in your biz? Or a tad bit bored in your expression?

Here are 10 (playful) questions to get you back on track.

1. An activation to help you fall in love with yourself…

Imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of your children or a dear friend or someone that looks up to you (perhaps even a puppy) How do they see you? (Examples: They see me as a loving, superwoman, kind, gorgeous, happy woman.)

2. There was a time in your life when you knew you were here for something special. Think back to that place and time, connect to that magical child… what did She know you were here to experience?

3. If you were a magical fairy and you could go and whisper wisdom into people’s ears at night and then have them wake up in the morning totally transformed and healed and happy—what’s one thing would you whisper?

4. What breaks your heart?  What do you ache to heal?

5. What do you stand for?  In life?  In your brand?  In your art?  Be bold (and naughty if you want.)

6. What do you value and savor in life?

7. A 3-part question…

  • Whose self-expression do you admire? Think of a shero or rock-star you adore (Like Lady Gaga for instance )
  • Name the qualities in them that you admire (Examples: fearless, feisty, creative, etc.)
  • Name 1 or 2 ways YOU can embody those qualities in your life and biz…

8. How do you want your message to make people feel?

9. What’s your why? (Why do you do what you do in your art or biz—like, really?)

10. Once your big dream of (being on stage, winning that award, helping those 
clients) is here… at the end of it all… how do you want to feel?  How can you feel that way now?


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