11 Reasonable Reasons to be Normal


1.  Why wouldn’t you want to fit in? You get to blend with the masses as you act, talk, and dress like everyone else. What fun!

2.  You don’t have to worry about scheduling in “you” time and actually exploring that “crazy” voice that tells you to ____________.

3.  You can always rely on other people to tell you what to do and how to be (easy-peasy!)

4.  You never have to dance with the excitement butterflies cuz you stay comfortably reclined (crushed) in your comfort zone.

5.  You can live your life knowing that your soul’s desires never offended any relatives, neighbors, and/or all the people on the planet because you kept it quiet, baby!

6.  It’s so easy to pick out your wardrobe (just mimic and/or copy exactly what everyone else is wearing in your industry/career/field of employment).

7.  Risk? Rebellion? Riots? Nope, none of that applies to your world.

8.  Why would you express your unique ways? I mean, who wants to leave their one-of-a-kind thumbprint on the world, anyway? How totally weeee-ird (insert eye roll).

9.  Follow other people’s rules… and you’ll get the quickest road to mediocrity. So just comply and you can win that race! Hooray for you!

10.  Words like badass, strange, quirky, and unique are like a foreign language. And who wants to be “foreign?” Ew!

11.  You get to walk to the beat of everyone else’s drum, live life well inside the edge, and be part of the crowd vs. lead the crowd.

Can you say boring? Yes, you can. And. You. Love it.


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