Archive | June, 2013
Business Heroine Magazine Erika Watson

What is Your Truth?

Something happened recently when I declared my truth around my purpose. People  took notice.  A lot of people.  I had comments on my blog postings, facebook comments, private email messages, girlfriends reached out by the phone to say “Thank you.” It was a prime example that people are inspired by you standing in the light more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Social Media Engagement Success – It’s All in the Foundation

{photo from Pinterest} A question I get frequently from small business owners is “how do I get more fan engagement.” This question can point to the lack of a developed social media strategy, or at least an underdeveloped content strategy, or the need to tweak their existing strategy. As marketers of any brand, there are more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Why You Bury Your Calling Without Even Knowing It

Finding your mission is a big topic and we don’t usually talk much about it because we don’t want to acknowledge that we have one. I have been told many times by different people that they don’t know what they want to do in their life or why they are here. And I’ve found that more »

Business Heroine Magazine

World Wide List Building with Amazon

By leveraging technology and platforms like Amazon, your ebook and YOUR BUSINESS becomes searchable and findable ALL OVER THE WORLD – forever. Taking advantage of this technology, your eBook can instantly become available on all the top eBook retailer shelves where readers will discover your message through online merchandising systems, search engines, reader reviews, and more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Sacred Sassy Heroine – Stretch Marks of Success

{photo from Pinterest} Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper more »

Business Heroine Magazine

How to Say NO at Work and Get Away With It!

If you don’t think you can say NO at work and keep your job, then are going to want to read this.  Find out how to minimize workplace stress, get more done at work by saying NO and gain your boss’s understanding and respect when  you say NO to their request.  After reading this article more »

Business Heroine Magazine

YOUR Evolution of Style

Read this quote very carefully. “You can be fully satisfied with where you are, understanding that you’re eternally evolving. When you get into that place of feeling appreciation of where you are and of who you are, and appreciation of what you are, and you accept that you are a never-ending, always unfolding Being, then more »

Business Heroine Magazine

How Selfish Are You?

Very often people consider any word starting with “self-” as describing a selfish behavior and therefore automatically negative. The problem is that looking after yourself, requires that you focus on YOU, on what is right for you, on what you need. And no one else can know what that is – only yourself. Is identifying more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Digesting The Day

Since the kitchen is the backdrop for most of the action in the house, it is essential to make it your partner in efficiency. You’ve probably heard the kitchen referred to as the heart of the home, but I refer to it as the stomach. Kitchens act as the hub of the home, especially as more »

What’s the deal with BRANDING?

“The most powerful thing you can do is, well be real. As in not phony. As in authentic.” – Jack Welch When it comes to marketing and sales – everyone wants to know; WHAT IS YOUR BRAND? And for some of us, we get the concept but have a difficult time applying it. That is more »
