3 Creative Invites For Your Cool Cat Sheroes


Hey there, I know you’re a superwoman badass kinda gal, but if you want to move mega mountains and be a visibility vixen—you’re not gonna do it alone.

It takes a team.



Building a team can apply to summits (or ANTI-summits– like the one I co-created with Ariana Pritchett), producing plays, putting on funky fab events, and launching your most beloved biz services.

Anytime you enroll others into your vision, you’re building your team.

So first thing first, decide who you want on your dream team—write down your heroes and sheroes and all those beings you secretly admire.

Next; the approach.

Here’s the thing to remember, people who are up to BIG things get approached. A lot. And most of the times, the approach is generic. No pizzazz, no ingenuity… and no go.

So I suggest you put your creative cap on and cook up something killer.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Send an invite the good old fashioned snail mail way. And make the invite WILD and fun. You could… send a box of markers with a note written in crayon, detailing WHY you freaking adore the letter-receiver and then asking them to participate in (whatever your vision is).

2. Create a video for your invitee. Talk right to em and let them know what your vision is and why you handpicked them to participate. Be passionate. Be authentic. Be short and sweet.

3. Write about the purpose of the vision, why you’re so gung-ho about it, and why you’re inviting your hero into the mix. And then put it into a poem… and send.

A few tips:

Have fun.

Come from a place of creativity and really wanting to surprise your invite (and hopefully put a smile on their face).

Always be to the point.  Always share your vision. Always share WHY you invited them to partake in the part-ay.


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