A Down and Dirty Way to Clean Your Plate of that Unwanted Time Commitment


Have you ever looked at your calendar or your desk and thought “I need to get rid of about half of my appointments!”

I hear that all the time from the people I coach.   They haven’t even got to the saying no part, they are still in:

“I’m so overwhelmed that I can’t even think about taking on another project, even if it is cleaning a project off my plate.”

So, let’s get down and dirty and figure out a way for you to clean off at least one time commitment, today!

The first step is to answer the following three questions:

▪ What is the number one time commitment that makes you groan, just thinking about it?

▪ What is the number one time commitment that takes the most amount of your time?

▪ What is the number one time commitment that you feel you get the least return on?

These questions are just for you, so don’t worry too much about what I mean by “least return on.” Just go with your intuition.

If you come up with the same answer for two or more of the above questions, that is the time commitment to really look at under a magnifying glass.

Today.  Right now!

If you come up with more than one time commitment that answers the above questions, Good for you! After you get one commitment taken care of you have already identified the next one to go after!

Next Step:

▪ How can you clean that time commitment off your plate?

▪ Or at the very minimum, how can you minimize the time spent on that commitment?

For example:  Can you resign from a committee you are on?  Or could you decrease the frequency of the meeting?  Maybe from once a month to once a quarter?

Don’t spend too much time on these questions;  remember we are doing a down and dirty cleaning here.

Step three, (Big Step now)

Implement at least one of the ideas you came up with!  You can do it.


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