A Perfect Yoga Balance with Boundaries


“Know thyself.” – Buddha

“How well you know the world is directly proportional to how well you know yourself.” – Sun Tzu

Strategy  through  wisdom.  Wisdom  gained  from  the  inside  out.  Both  Buddha  and   Sun  Tzu  were  wise  to  the  power  of  self  knowledge.  They  speak  frequently  and  freely   about  the  importance  of  innate  wisdom.

Intuitively  our  Business  Heroine  knows  the  importance  of  knowing.  Yet she’s only human.  It’s easy to get caught up in  the  material  world  of  go-­go-­go.  It’s easy to become one of the millions of stressed out, exhausted, overextended women who take on too much…

Unless  she  chooses  wisely  by  choosing  yoga.    Yoga  could    help  her  tune  in.     When  she  learns  to  listen  to  her  intuition,  insight  will  steer  her  clearly  through  her challenges with the eye of the tiger.

An  enlightened  Business  Heroine  knows  the  importance  of  knowing  herself  well.  Then  she  can  lead  from  a  position  of  strength.  Innate  wisdom  allows  her  to  win  without   fighting – the  ultimate  strategy.      One  of  the  most  important  fights  she  can  win  is  the   battle  within – the fight or flight signal from  her  body when she’s in overdrive.

Too many Business Heroines push beyond healthy boundaries into the red zone day  in  day  out  and  end  up  paying  a  terrible  price  in  their  physical,  emotional  or  mental   well  being.

Is  this  you?  Overextended  and  out  of  balance,  teetering  constantly  on  the  edge   of  overwhelm?

The  Body  is  a  Teacher : Innate  Wisdom

The  body  knows  our  Business  Heroine  is  not  at  her  best  if  she  is  in  overload  or   overdrive.    Her  brain  is  being  flooded  with  stress  hormones  and  depleted  of  the  essential   blood  flow  that  helps her think clearly, execute decisively.  When she is in fight or flight, she has no where to go but  fast.  She  is  crashing  and  burning  internally  and  will   pay  the  price  unless  she  draws  the  line  before  she  goes  over  the  edge.

She  needs  to  take  a  deep  yoga  breath  so  she  can  pause.  She  needs  yoga  tools  to   become  creative  and  resourceful  on  her  own  behalf.    When  she  chooses  yoga,  she  powers   up  so  she  can  pause  and  power  down.    When  she  rests,  she  restores  her  body  and  mind  to   innate  wisdom.

With  mindfulness,  our  business  heroine  can  balance  within  boundaries  that   support  her  so  can  breakthrough  rather  than  breakdown.  A simple pause will help her balance  within  boundaries  so  she  lets  go  of  teetering  on  the  edge.  When  our  enlightened  business  heroine  holds  time  and  space  to  draw  from  the   power  within,  she  looks  forward  to  being  calm,  cool  and  intuitively  connected.    When  she   calms  and  quiets    the  mind,  her  body  can  fully  renew  and  restore  her  to  vitality  and   strength.    Then  she  can  choose  wisely  what  is  essential  rather  than  urgent.

Within  this  powerful  alignment  of  body  and  mind,  our  business  heroine  looks   forward  to  her  greatest  successes  yet to come.

The Power of Knowing Thyself and of Mindful Possibilities:

How  could  yoga  help  you  renew  and  restore  the  path  to  insight  and  intuition?

What  yoga  deep  breathing  practice  will  help  you  regain  clarity  and  calmness?

What  yoga  flow  sequence  will  empower  you  to  set  boundaries  with  clarity  and   strength?

Why  not  power  up  from  the  inside  out?


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