How to Reach Your Biz Goals With An Accountability Partner

Are you struggling to finish that online program you purchased?  Do you want to lose weight, but need some support?  Are you lacking the motivation to stay on top of your business goals?

If so, it sounds like you would benefit from an accountability partner.

Take a stroll down memory lane and picture one particular goal you set out to accomplish, but didn’t.  

Why do you think you fell short of reaching your goal?  What was missing?

Sure, determination and persistence are traits that will help you stay the course, but even if you’re gung-ho about something, you’ll eventually need extra support and motivation when the newness wears off, and this is where having a buddy can help you.

Let’s be clear: Having an accountability partner doesn’t mean you’re unmotivated. In fact, it means that you are motivated to make improvements and that you’re serious about reaching your goals. It’s okay to need a little boost sometimes!

Hey, life is busy!  We can have the best intentions, but it’s human nature to settle into old, comfortable habits if we don’t have someone to keep us accountable for our actions.

You have to have a reliable support system in place.

Currently, I have 2 people who hold me responsible for my actions and help me when I need them.

I have an accountability partner who is also growing her online business and we talk over the phone every 2 months.  We share our accomplishments and struggles from the last two months and our goals and dreams for the next couple months.  We’ve reached a lot of goals together!  It’s fun having a friend to bounce ideas off of and cheer each other on.  

I also have a business coach who has helped me stay on track with my long-term and short-term goals.  We meet over the phone once a month and discuss my accomplishments and my goals for the next month. There’s been a couple times when I realized our call was the next day and I didn’t do what I said I would. That definitely got my butt in gear, and sometimes I’d accomplish those tasks in one day!  It’s funny how I can complete something that’s been on my to-do list for a month very quickly when I have someone keeping an eye on me!

If you’re looking to up your game, here are a few tips on finding the right accountability partner for you:

  • Choose your goal first, THEN choose an accountability partner who has similar goals.
  • Facebook is a great place to find accountability partners! Ask around in any of the groups you’re a part of.
  • Consider hiring a business coach to keep you accountable and help you strategize. Actually paying someone to keep you accountable will ensure that you REALLY step up your game so you can get your money’s worth!
  • Be sure to find someone you can trust so you can share your challenges and know that they’ll keep your discussions private.
  • Make sure your energies are similar. Do you want someone to gently nudge you along or crack a whip?
  • Schedule a day each week where you both check in and list your accomplishments, what you fell short on, and your next goals.
  • Don’t give up if it doesn’t work out – I tried working with a few accountability partners till I found “the ONE”


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

2015 has come to a close.  Are there any goals or online programs that you purchased and want to finish? What’s hanging above your head nagging you to complete? What do you plan to accomplish this coming week to get the ball rolling? Leave your answer in the comments below! 



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