Are You Ambitious in Theory?


I know your kind. You know exactly what you want, and you are more familiar with the future you than you are the present you. I’ve been there. You are extremely ambitious, but only in theory. You can probably present all of your goals in a perfectly detailed presentation for as long as anyone is willing to listen, but you have not taken any productive steps towards your dream. You probably know exactly what you need to do, but just haven’t gotten around to actually doing it.

The good news is that if you are ambitious and know what you want, then you are miles ahead of those that are content with being stationary. You’ve already decided that you want to achieve greatness. So, what exactly are you waiting for? You can do something little every single day to get you closer to achieving your dream, whatever that may mean to you. Here are three productive things you can do that will help make your dreams a reality:

1. Read, read, read…. 
There are articles, books, blogs and websites on absolutely anything. Beneficial reading material is just a click away at all times. Whether you are aiming to be the best tightrope walker or a novelist, there is something you can read that will make you more knowledgeable and closer to being an expert in your field. Not only can you gain information on your specific focus, but you can educate yourself on the basics of business and marketing, as well. It is essential that you read something relating to your goal…every single day!

2. Network
! As we all may have learned, more often than not, who you know can be more important than what you know. With the Internet at our fingertips, we can find contact information for just about anybody in a few seconds. Make use of this resource by connecting with people who are doing what you want to do, and have been exactly where you are. Even if a professional isn’t necessarily in your field, but has started from the bottom and managed to get somewhere awesome…ask them how! Be candid and authentic in your emails. You can ask to shadow them, meet them, or even ask a few questions via email. People are more willing to help than one would think. You may come across the right person at the right time!

3. Clean Up That To-Do List. 
Re-evaluate and organize your goals so that you have a clear short and long-term path. Organization is key. Create mini and major goals for yourself that you can visit and re-visit. Overtime, education and networking may inspire the rerouting of your path as well.


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