Authentic to the Core
Your authentic voice is your unapologetic anthem. It is beautiful. It is bold. It is unstoppable.
For many years I thought I was expressing my true voice, but it was constantly drowned out with loud bells and whistles. The bottom line was I did not think I was enough. So I kept adding or taking things away to be “more x, y or z.”
My life became an embellished and exhausting dog and pony show. I bought into so many beliefs and so many things that I was utterly confused as to what I wanted and who I was in the first place.
My true voice never had the chance to be heard. I was responsible for creating a vicious cycle that robbed me of my identity.
Finally I had enough of trying to convince myself that things weren’t as bad as they seemed. I could no longer live an illusion. I could no longer live a life of limiting expectations or a life that others wanted for me.
I needed to find my voice. I needed to find me again. And this time, not just find her – but love her, embrace her and adore her. I had no idea where my journey would lead me, but venturing into the unknown was the best decision I have ever made.
I did find my authentic voice in its truest, rawest and beautifully inappropriate form. I no longer feel the need to cover it up or apologize for its messiness. I can finally breathe and just “be.” I now live with passion, purpose and uncompromised self-worth.
The first thing I needed to do was uncover who I was at my authentic core. We have all built some pretty thick layers over the years as a means of self-protection and self-doubt. Much like peeling off layers of an onion, we have to pull away those layers to expose the pure, untouched and raw core that lies beneath the surface.
Start with the question – “What do I REALLY want?”
The emphasis is on “you”- not what others want for you or what sounds “appropriate” and “right” according to society’s standards. Take time to dig deep, process the question and don’t censor or dismiss anything that comes up for you.
Start with this exercise to begin the groundwork of the most important relationship you will ever have – the one with yourself. We have all heard that a deep, connected relationship requires intimacy. The only way to create true intimacy is to own and embrace the parts of yourself that you have kept hidden.
Imagine knowing yourself in a way that you’ve never experienced before: what moves you, inspires you, motivates you, annoys you, what you want to share, what you want to keep secret, what limiting beliefs lie within you, what you value and what dreams make your heart sing.
Imagine how it would feel to have a “no holds barred” relationship with yourself – an intimate relationship that is grounded in truth, awareness and continual self-growth. By understanding and owning your authentic self, a world of possibility and opportunity will be presented to you. You will operate from a core of self-worth that will literally shift you from settling for less to living without limits.
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