Beat the January Slump! (Or Prevent It Altogether)


How is the new year going for you so far?

Are you caught in the “January slump?”  Feeling a little “blah?”

It may seem odd to use the words “January slump” when we are not even half way through the month and only a few days into the new year.

That “slump” feeling is likely due to the combination of the hectic holiday season and the pressure to start off the new year “right.”

We can feel “required” to make massive changes as soon as the last digit of the year changes.

I feel the expression “New Year, New You” is so overused. It seems every television network, publication and advertiser in the world rehashes the same resolution themed topics every January.

It is the new year version of “Groundhog Day.”

Just like it can get old hearing the same things every year, it can get old making new year’s resolutions and not sticking to them.

Trust me, I knew that vicious cycle well. I would go full throttle into the new year only to lose my momentum before even heading into February. Then I made a huge discovery.

I needed to take the pressure off.

I started to look at January as a month of inner renewal rather than a month of intense and massive change.
It’s not the resolutions themselves that are the most important factor, but the motivation behind them.
Take this month to dig deep.

Take January to get to the heart of what it is you want to change and even more importantly- why do you want to change it. It is time to stop setting goals because they sound “right” or “good” and set them because they are aligned with your true purpose and potential.

Let your month of renewal begin today by asking some questions:

  • What resolutions strongly resonate with you?
  • Are you setting them from an empowered place that honors your divine potential and purpose?
  • Are you clear on the “why” behind them?
  • What is it that motivates you?
  • How would achieving that goal change your life and the lives of those you love?

Any resolution not built on a strong foundation will only crumble when the “tide of life” comes in the form of challenges, roadblocks and obstacles.

True resolutions need to come from the heart not the head.

That is when the word “commitment” takes on a whole a new meaning.



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