Beat Those Lack-of-Motivation Blues


Does this scenario sound familiar to you…

You have a huge to-do list in front of you, tons of ideas and hours worth of work to get accomplished. You are feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious about all of the “stuff” you have to get done.

Instead of raising your energy and getting tasks completed you push them off to the side and feel no motivation.

I’ve got news for you – we have all been there! I have experienced that exact situation and felt a huge lack of motivation. I quickly realized how important having motivation is and began to develop strategies to get myself moving in the right direction.

If you are sick of having the lack of motivation blues, then you are in the right place! 

Heres my inside scoop on how to get motivated and most importantly stay motivated…

  • Remember why you started – what made you write this goal down? What is the importance behind the task or the goal?
  • Think of five things about the project or task that excites you. What will completing this task feel like? How will this move you forward towards your big goals?
  • Picture yourself having already achieved the goal and feel how that success will feel in your body. Smell it, touch it, taste it, go through all of your senses and get deep into what that success will be like to experience.
  • Remind yourself that what you focus on expands. If you are focused on excitement around the task or goal, excitement will expand. Focus on the positive and exciting aspects of what you are working towards.
  • Grab a piece of paper and brainstorm all the reasons why this goal will add value to your life. Will it give you financial security? Provide you with a more fulfilling relationship? You get the point here… make it important to you!
  • Get creative. Sometimes when you think about a goal or a task for too long in the same way it becomes boring. Turn to-do’s into love to-do’s… this changes the energy around the goal or task that you are working towards.
  • Raise your energy. Do some jumping jacks, go for a walk, smile… anything that will help you to raise your energy. Don’t forget that the higher your energy the better your results!

Motivation is the fuel that will get you to achieve the success that you dream about.

With motivation and passion anything is possible. Find something that motivates you and get going! Choose to get motivated and play a bigger game… you know that you can do it – so make it happen!

I would love to hear your thoughts on this article and hear what motivates you in your business and in your relationships?


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