Bodies Out of Balance – A Mindful Solution


Do you know how to read your body’s signals?  When have you crossed over into the red?

Once you learn to read your body’s signals correctly,  then you can make the corrections you need.  Too many  people assume a radical diet and exercise plan will solve the problem of stress overload.  In fact, the opposite  is true.  A radical diet and exercise plan will most likely aggravate the stress response.

Women are particularly susceptible to the automatic default assumption as we have been conditioned to “diet” away our problems.

Do you make this automatic default assumption?

A stubborn pattern of weight loss resistance may be a signal your body has maxed out on stress hormones.    Chronic stress floods the body and brain with cortisol, adrenaline and insulin which are all responsible for  weight gain around the waistline.

Once you’ve overreacted the “fight or flight” response, all of your efforts need to be focused on restoring the  body and mind to a state of relaxation and calm.  This does not include a radical dieting plan.

Focus your attention on how to balance the stress equation instead. What do you need to subtract to  eliminate the feelings of excess?  What could you add in to increase feelings of relaxation?

When you do this, you eliminate the sense of “urgency” you feel when you’ve crossed over into the flashing red zone.  Instead of rushing to do more, focusing on calming the body with a simple yoga practice will help you choose wisely what is essential so you can prioritize.

Become radically mindful in your daily wellness practices to discover the power you have to renew, rebalance and restore.

How do you achieve the mental strength you need as a Business Heroine?

How do you achieve the calmness and clarity you need to make decisions you can stand tall in?

What do you do to restore peace of mind when your mind has been doing mental gymnastics all day?


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