Archive | Empowerment!
Business Heroine Magazine

Improve Self-Confidence – Model the 7 Habits of Highly Self-Confident People

There is no doubt that one sure way to improve self-confidence is to model highly self-confident people. Self-confidence is all about believing in yourself, your own worth, your power and abilities, regardless of the situation you are in. A lot of people believe that self-confidence comes from the possession of high skill sets or knowledge. more »

Business Heroine Magazine

Five Types of Freedom for Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs value freedom, arguably above all else. In fact, most successful entrepreneurs got into business in the first place because they sought out some combination of the following five types of freedom. 1) Financial Freedom. New York Times best selling author T. Harv Eker gives us this definition of financial freedom: “The ability to live the lifestyle more »
