Archive | Network Marketing
Amethyst Wyldfyre (Business Heroine Magazine)

The Empowered Messenger: Communicating the Value of Your Work

The Empowered Messenger – The heroine whose message burns inside her, begging to be released. Even though her pen may quiver and her voice may shake, she knows it is time to stand in her power – clear, confident, courageous. She says yes to the call, and she shares her message, because she was born to more »

Ask A Heroine: Welcome to the experts corner, love. This is where you ask your burning questions on business and life, and receive personal advice from the best. Each month we feature amazing industry Heroines and their wise video answers to your deepest inquiries. Here, questions give way to solutions, insights transform into action, and more »

Nadia Chaudhry (Business Heroine Magazine)

The Nature of Your Product and How it Leads to More Sales

I’m sure you have a bunch of things you’ve been meaning to do. Workout regularly (just started doing this!). Start writing more. Cook your own meals. Join an art class. But you probably haven’t gotten around to doing it have you…have you? There are people in your audience that are in the same boat about more »

Stella Orange (Business Heroine Magazine)

The New Rules of Copywriting: Focus less on conversion, more on resonance

Click-throughs. Open rates. Search engine optimization. Conversion statistics. If the mere mention of these highly prized numbers causes rebellion to stir up within you, you’re in luck. This article is not going to be about how to improve those things. Well, at least not directly. Because in my seven years of writing and teaching business more »

Anne-Sophie Dumetz (Business Heroine Magazine)

She’s a Changemaker: Who You are Matters More Than How You Do It!

  She’s a Changemaker: Every heroine has a Changemaker within. She’s smitten with a dream that feels bigger than she is, and she dares to rise into it. She bravely steps beyond her fear, choosing instead her soul’s deepest desires. She has the audacity to disturb, defy, and go her own way. Heed the call more »

Kristen Domingue (Business Heroine Magazine)

What to Do When You Should Be Grateful (But You’re Not)

Can I get real with you about money for a moment? While we all know that success isn’t about the money… We can’t ignore the fact that money matters. And it especially cannot be ignored when you run a business. I’ll let you in on a secret about me: most of the women in my more »

Mikki Kingrey (Business Heroine Magazine)

Upgrade Your Money Story

“I can’t afford it” “That’s a lot more than I expected” “Can I do that in payments?” “I need to check with my partner/spouse…” These are all so common for people as they have an opportunity to take an action toward what they want to be experiencing in their life or business.   Here is more »
