Spotlight Interview: Coach Yari on SoulBody Transformations

Coach Yari, The SoulBody Method, Business Heroine Magazine

Yarixa Ferrao, A.K.A, Coach Yari (Ya-di) is a world renowned inspirational and powerful fitness personality featured on multiple TV and Media outlets such as MTV, CNN Espanol , Univision, Fitness Rx Radio and Woman’s Day Magazine.

In a weight loss industry that’s overly focused on stress and extremes, Coach Yari brings a refreshing and loving conversation about weight loss.  An inspired innovator and a spiritual “SoulBody” teacher known for her amazing body transformations in a 14+ year career, offers The SoulBody Method ™- A freeing and soulful fitness approach that replaces the cookie cutter, depriving & restrictive traditional weight loss and body shaping programs WITHOUT calorie counting, harsh dieting or excessive exercise resulting in  faster body transformations that are actually sustainable. Enjoy her exclusive Spotlight interview…



BH: Your own journey into intense fitness and through to the other side is inspiring. Will you share it with us?

Coach Yari: At the age of 19 I signed myself up for an NPC Figure Competition and I know exactly how it feels to be a “slave” to my body with the crazy dieting, deprivation, long hours of cardio and killing myself at the gym. I donʼt think I could have lived another day being in the gym 3.5 hours a day (including 1 hour cardio), eating chicken, tuna, brown rice, sweet potato, broccoli and oatmeal. I achieved my goal to have the perfect body, but why was it I still felt miserable? Why was this not enough? Why did I quickly gain 20 lbs within one month after all that work?

The heaviness and imprisonment I felt within my own body became my greatest gift- the driving force that would push me to seek self love and acceptance that would turn out to be the solution to helping people authentically and sustainably lose weight and have their healthiest and fittest body without deprivation, restriction, stress or extremes.

Personally, I have not counted a single calorie or dieted for over 10 years, done “cardio” for almost 7 years. I exercise in a way that gives me energy, is time effective, and allows me to “Workout to Live, NOT Live to workout!”

It makes me excited to get to help people live their most authentic, joyful, and fulfilling life, AND have a smokin’ hot body to go with it!


Coach Yari, The SoulBody Method, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: How did you come up with the SoulBody Method?

Coach Yari: The SoulBody Method was born out of NOT accepting status quo, not accepting that getting in shape or losing weight had to be hard, stressful or extreme. It was born out of my wounds, insecurities and fears that would put me in search of self love. I boldly took a left turn in the fitness industry, searched and inquired every path, every diet, every scientific research paper, every exercise program not stopping until I felt settled in truth and peace within myself. Inspired, I was able to innovate a method that felt GOOD, loving AND everlasting!

I am so grateful to have listened to my inner feelings and have come up with a program that has already helped so many people around the world and I know will continue to help so many more finally find the body “peace” of their puzzle so they can be focused on the more important things in life, such as having FUN and experience the beauty of life!

BH: We know the SoulBody Method is NOT calorie counting, harsh dieting or excessive exercise. What exactly is it?

Coach Yari: The SoulBody Method is a powerful, fast and sustainable way of losing weight and getting in shape using a soulful and freeing innovative fitness approach composed of 4 key elements that focus on connecting you to Feel and Listen for your personal individuality. These elements are:

Movement – Learn exercises that energize you, builds strong lean muscles through connected movement, helps you build a higher capacity in breath to better handle life and is time effective so that you “Workout to Live, not Live to workout!”

Mindset – Understand how to perceive the body in a way that constantly inspires you for a lifetime, plus get to know easy ways to become aware of limiting beliefs and let them go.

Soulset – Get to know who you really are and be in touch with your spirit and the messages it has for you so you can be in flow instead of friction or stagnation.

Nutrition – Discover what food energizes you, fulfills you and makes you feel vibrant. used synergistically for a tried and truthful path to achieving your best body.

In the SoulBody Method you learn that weight loss and fat loss is about loving yourself, honoring and respecting yourself in every one of those elements, while letting go of what is out of alignment with your soul- whether that is food, thoughts, habits, and even workouts.


Coach Yari, The SoulBody Method, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: What is the philosophy behind it?

Coach Yari: My philosophy behind the SBM is “When You FEEL Good, You LOOK Good”. Feeling good lets you know that you are on path or in alignment and when you are in alignment with your truth, you feel good, and your body has no choice but to look as good as you feel. Whether you are overweight, sick or injured, in the vibration of feeling good, your body will find itself back to its ideal pure form or frequency.

The body will manifest as light, vibrant, fluid, mobile, strong, healthy and let go of any heaviness, illness or dis-ease and stagnation. The other part my philosophy expresses is that it is a concentrated effort on the journey, moment to moment, not a focus , pressure or anxiety around the end result. Everything about this method revolves around authenticity and self love. Vibrant Body. Radiant Soul. Everlasting Results!


Coach Yari, The SoulBody Method, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: You have created an amazing business based on your own journey – including the pain and the passion. What words of wisdom do you have to share with the Business Heroines who are working up the courage to go for their dreams?

Coach Yari: Something powerful & practical that I do often is I declare my dreams to the universe, write them down clear and in present tense. I have written down almost my entire life story before it happened. This could be the very first step in the direction of your dreams. What I have learned is that the world is waiting for your gifts, which are unique to you, so by you not putting it out there, you are withholding and denying yourself and the world of love.

I know that any time that something scares me or excites me, I go do it because either I will lose my fear or enhance my joy, both of which put me in an aligned path, thus becoming more authentic to who I am and freeing me to live my most joyful and fulfilling life. And one last thing, “NEVER Give up on your journey, but DO Surrender to the truth of who you are.”


Special Offers from Heroine Coach Yari!


Coach Yari’s site will be LIVE soon! Click here to receive her free gifts: A favorite excersise video compilation, access to Coach Yari’s 7 Steps to live an Unstoppable You and a report on the 21 foods that are secretly making you fat!


Coach Yari, The SoulBody Method, Business Heroine Magazine






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