Create An Oprah-Worthy Morning Regimen!


“I’m just not a morning person.”

A seemingly innocuous statement. Alas, you are wrong.
Thoughts are thing,s and words are even more powerful.

Look, I don’t claim to be bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning but I do make every effort to get my bushy-tail into bed at a decent hour each night. Accordingly, arising at an early hour each morning.

Mornings are peaceful, quiet, full of possibility and a clean slate.

Matters of the day are not yet weighing on you. You can simply start your day and your business with a clear mind and your head full of exciting ideas. Nothing resting on your shoulders, quite yet.

By now you know I am a huge proponent of routine. We human beings are big fans of routine (like koo-koo-for-cocoa-puffs fans.) In fact you already have a morning routine. What is it?

What is your morning routine giving your right now?

Maybe you’re getting an earful of defeatingly awful negative news from the morning shows.
Perhaps you’re laying in bed drinking a cup of joe.

Oh, yah. Don’t let me forget you: Snooze button addicts.

Now that we’ve established that you have a routine, take a moment to think about how you are spending your precious morning hours. How is that directly contributing to the bettering of yourself and your business?
Here are 3 easy steps to make your morning routine work for you:

1. Get to bed by 10. Research shows that 10-6 is the best window for getting your eight hours. Adequate sleep is the cornerstone to any budding empire. (Bonus: Keep to the same sleep schedule, even on weekends!)

2. Start your day with a green juice, light/healthy breakfast or smoothie. A greasy breakfast isn’t going to do you any favors. Plus, it takes more time to whip up.

3. Create a work routine: Same time, same location, same activities (or similar) every morning. If you can take those pieces out of the equation then your mind will feel better about tackling the work.

Action time, baby. Take a moment to think of one thing you are going to modify in your morning routine tomorrow. Don’t try to change everything over night or you’ll get frustrated and quit. Pick one thing, focus on that, make a positive change and then use that momentum to make your next change.

Let me know in the comments below what you’re first order of change will be.


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