Spotlight Interview: Dr. Cynthia Miller on Luscious Wealth

Dr. Cynthia Miller, Luscious Wealth, Business Heroine MagazineDr. Cynthia Miller is a pioneer and groundbreaker in the fields of cellular transformation and deep transformative change. Her expertise merges body, mind and spirit for powerful outcomes. Her speciality is empowering visionary women to build a new paradigm business to create massive wealth and experience luscious pleasure, all while transforming the world!

Dr. Cynthia is also an adventurer, world traveler, artist, writer, and photographer. Her background is varied and steeped in an innate love of nature, beauty and art. Her exploration of art triggered an investigation into cellular change. This led to a Ph.D. in the Psychology of Change and Cellular Transformation in 1985. Enjoy her exclusive Business Heroine interview…



BH: You specialize in rewiring women to receive wealth. How did you get into this field of work?

Dr. Cynthia: In 1974, after a Near Death Experience, a luminous bolt of energy flew up my spine and out the top of my head. In the split second between one breath and the next, my entire reality and life radically shifted. I could see into bodies, cells and multiple dimensions, all at the same time.

To understand and explore what happened in that life changing split-second, I received a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and the Psychology of Change in 1985. Since then I have worked with thousands of clients to rewire their bodies so they live successful, joyous, healthy lives.


BH: What is your personal journey?

Dr. Cynthia: When I was 60, I sold my house, put everything in storage and started traveling to see where I wanted to live. I went camping in the Colorado Rockies for what I expected to be a week. When I came out of the wilderness, I discovered that my life savings had disappeared in the stock market and that almost everything I owned had been stolen out of storage. I was homeless and penniless living in a place where I knew no one.

Scientific research shows that the subconscious patterns from early childhood determine the results in your life. As a small child I decided that I didn’t want money because in my family money was tied to massive annihilation, destruction and the creation of a global toxic environment. I have learned how to transform the subconscious roots around money, success and worthiness for my clients and myself. I am now living the life of my dreams!


Dr. Cynthia Miller, Luscious Wealth, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: In your book, “Rewire for Luscious Wealth,” you talk about two types of self — your “other self” and your “star self.” What is the difference, and why is it important to know about them?

Dr. Cynthia: The first part of everyone’s life is spent building your Other Self. Your Other Self operates on fear and is based upon outside opinions: the ideas, thoughts and beliefs of other people. Living on the basis of your Other Self is inherently filled with a feeling or a knowing that something isn’t right, that there is something wrong with you, that you are unworthy, that you are unlovable or that somehow you are missing something.

Basically, your Other Self is rooted in fear, limitation and outside influence. On the other hand, your Star Self is based on the unique essence of your soul and incorporates all of your gifts and talents, so that you experience joy, delight and love. As you gradually move from your Other Self to embracing your Star Self, your life becomes sweeter and your business success expands. Your Star Self is the foundation for creating wealth.


BH: What is the new business paradigm? How does it work?

Dr. Cynthia: The foundation of the old business model is logic and rational thought. Look around and see the kind of world that this type of business has created–war, poverty, greed, pollution and violence towards women.

A new feminine financial paradigm is emerging. Delightfully create your business from the wisdom of your feminine essence, not by the rules of an external male authority. Your business is the container for sharing your feminine wisdom, creativity and gifts with the world.

Old Business Model

New Business Paradigm

Based on logic

Based on intuition, creativity, inner guidance and logic

Decisions made with the left hemisphere of your brain

Whole body decisions

Masculine dominant

Balanced feminine and masculine energy

The mind is the leader

Your mind is in service to your soul

Cut out and eliminate some of your talents, emotions and experiences to create a business

Create a business that weaves together your gifts, talents and experiences

Fear, anger and lack run your business

Pleasure and delight fuel your business

Answers come from other people

Answers arise from within

Set marketing formulas for success may go against your gut feelings

Your inner guidance charts a new marketing strategy in agreement with who you are

Selling and manipulation makes you feel uncomfortable

Offer your gifts in alignment with your life’s purpose

Push through

Open to receive

The end justifies the means

Every step supports the whole

Bottom line or profit dictates decisions

Your inner vision informs decisions

Hit the target

Open, release, flow and align with the goal

Divide and conquer

Blend, expand and blossom


Old Business Model Results:

New Business Paradigm Results:



Poverty, starvation and survival

Humanity evolves from surviving into thriving

One in three women is raped

Safety for women and feminine wisdom

Destruction of the environment

Eco-friendly business

War and violence

Pleasure, delight and creativity


BH: As women, how do our neural programs influence our money?

Dr. Cynthia: Therapists say that the biggest issue we women face is thinking; “I’m not good enough,” which originated with the degradation of the female. Your self worth is eaten away at your core every time that your feminine essence is negated, judged inferior, ignored or scorned. Your self worth determines your income and wealth.


Dr. Cynthia Miller, Luscious Wealth, Business Heroine Magazine


Exposing your wisdom and inner secrets can be so scary. Your feminine gifts have been hiding for a long time. You have needed to keep your inner wisdom safe and hidden from the male-dominant paradigm. These are the secrets that the old paradigm ignores, violates, deems invaluable and unacceptable. These secrets are your treasures. The pristine wisdom of women is so necessary right now, in order to help transform the world, business and money.

Most everyone carries internal programs– not being good enough, fear of exposing your wisdom and not being worthy of great love, luscious wealth and joyous delight. These beliefs about needing to hide, inadequacy and unworthiness are based on neural programs from your lineage that, until they are changed, control your life and influence your wealth.


BH: What is the feminine way of attracting and manifesting money?

Dr. Cynthia: The feminine way of manifesting money is to tune into your belly, your feminine essence. Women have been hiding their gifts for ages. Your gifts, creativity and inner wisdom are exactly what the world needs right now. As your claim your internal power, connect with your life’s purpose and your luscious feminine energy you create a business from the inside out.

Your inner wisdom directs you to take inspired action steps that create wealth. You are creating a unique business, which is a gift to the world. In exchange for your gift, you will receive riches, inner fulfillment, happiness and joy!


Dr. Cynthia Miller, Luscious Wealth, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: How can we get more of you? Tell us about your book and how we can work with you.

Dr. Cynthia: You can find my book on Amazon, ReWire for Luscious Wealth: Embrace your feminine power – the new business paradigm from the inside out!

Visit my website

There I offer you a luscious assortment of tools, audios, online home study courses, online intensive classes and coaching to further your journey.

For a free audio meditation to begin to activate your Star Self and your money, click here.


BH: What action steps can the Business Heroines take today to start rewiring themselves for wealth?

Dr. Cynthia:

1. Commit to yourself – your feminine essence and your inner knowing is in tune with what is best for you.
2. Say yes to what you want.
3. Give yourself permission to be rich.

Click the image below to get Rewired for Luscious Wealth!


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