Spotlight Interview: Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body

Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body, Business Heroine MagazineDawn Dalili is a Naturopathic Physician, licensed in the state of Arizona.

She gave up the practice of Naturopathic Medicine and serves her clients as a personal mentor because of her deep belief that our food choices and lifestyle is simply a symptom of our underlying beliefs about who we are and what we’re worth.

Her mentoring practice focuses on inviting women into a life they love, in a body they love. Enjoy her exclusive Business Heroine interview…



BH: Tell us about your personal journey with your relationship to your body.

Dawn: Like so many young girls, I grew up thinking my body, particularly its shape, defined my worth. I developed an early obsession with food and diets. By high school, disordered eating became an eating disorder. When I graduated from college, I stopped bingeing and purging, but I still viewed my body as something to manipulate and control. I “managed” it with a strict routine around eating and exercising, so while it looked ideal, in many ways, from the outside, on the inside, it felt like I lived in a prison defined by restriction.

When I got pregnant for my son, who is now 4, I began to see my body as feminine and magical for the first time. I fell in love with her magic, and the respect that I develop for my body changed everything about the way I treat her.

Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body, Business Heroine Magazine

BH: Why did you trade working as a Naturopathic Doctor for being a personal mentor?

Dawn: What I observed in the people I worked with was that no one would allow themselves to get healthier than they fundamentally felt they deserved to be. I could put someone on the “perfect” protocol to achieve their health goals, but if their sense of self worth did not match and support reaching those goals, they would fall off the program, tell me it was too hard, or struggle to follow it while feeling deprived.

Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body, Business Heroine Magazine

I realized that in order for someone to reach their goals sustainably, we had to address their underlying beliefs about who they are and how good they deserve to feel or look. Recognizing this, I furthered my education to add tools that could facilitate deeper transformation and open the door to having the weight and wellness we desire in a way that is satisfying and sustainable.

BH: What does it mean to “live in a body you love?”

Dawn: Living in a body you love is a recognition that love comes first. If we deprive or punish ourselves into a specific shape, our life feels contracted and small. We may look good, according to societal standards, but we don’t feel good… and really what’s the point of living that way!

When we start by loving the body we live in, we get to experience an amazing life and an amazing body.

Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body, Business Heroine Magazine

BH: What’s the biggest “pain point” your clients come to you with?

Dawn: Most of my clients come to me wanting to lose weight. They hold a belief that the shape of their body is the thing standing between them and many of the things they desire in the world – like a great career, a great relationship, and an exciting life.

BH: What *surprise* result do your clients get from working with you?

Dawn: My clients are often surprised by the sense of freedom and choice that they develop as we work together. So many have used the pain and punishment approach to achieve their goals. As we discover and upgrade the beliefs that have held them back, they are shocked to see the positive impact play out in every area of life. Some change careers as they develop a sense of confidence and the belief that their dreams are worth pursuing. Many tell me that their relationship with their significant other or children shifts dramatically as they become willing to speak their truth. And what is most surprising for them is the realization that living life doesn’t have to be put on hold for some magical day when they wear an arbitrary clothing size.

Dawn Dalili on Loving Your Body, Business Heroine Magazine

BH: How can we get more of you? 

Dawn: You can get more of me by visiting my site, and taking the assessment that I’ve developed. So many of us have been brainwashed into thinking that what we eat and how much we exercise is what determines our weight. This assessment busts that myth and aids you in determining the best place to focus your energy, which may have nothing to do with what you’re eating.

For any who are ready to completely transform the way they live in their body, schedule a complimentary body breakthrough session. Mention that you found me through Business Heroine Magazine at the beginning of our session, and I’ll offer you 25% off of the full pay option for either my private or small group programs.

And in mid-March, keep an eye out for my next group program – Eat to Win at the Game of Life. Business Heroines will have a special offer!


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