Don’t Wait
You know those moments of pure inspiration when you feel like you can do ANYTHING?
In those moments,you can. The trick is not letting those moments pass you by.
I cannot even recall how many times I felt that burning desire, that inspiration. I could see my entire dream unfolding step by step perfectly. I saw myself accomplishing all of my goals and breaking through all the obstacles. In my mind, it was all happening and it felt awesome. And then I get home that day, and I am tired. And I do nothing. Inspiration gone…
Until it comes back.
Please do yourself a favor and take my advice here. If you only ever listen and take one thing I write seriously is it this: do not wait. Do not wait because if you do, there is a chance that you won’t do it. But if you move, then you’ve already succeeded.
Do not wait till January to start getting into shape. Do it now.
Do no wait to tell the person you love that you love them. Do it now.
Do not wait to take that trip. And stop making excuses about money. Do it now. Find a way. I know you can.
I have, time and time again and I am no different than you. I am the daughter of immigrants who had no money, and I still have very little money (because I enjoy spending it) and yet I go to Europe anytime I am truly inspired to. Where there is a will, there is a way. And anyone who tells you differently, well – do not wait to get rid of them from your life. Dead weight if you ask me. Harsh? Sure. But it’s true so toughen up and realize that you are the master of your own world and those who do not make you stronger, wiser and happier have to go.
Bye bye!
Do not wait to live your most perfect life. Do something you never thought you could do. Prove to yourself that you can and you will despite what anyone says. Prove everything wrong, and mostly, prove yourself right. It feels so incredible to prove yourself right. Proving yourself right is life’s ultimate orgasm.
About 7 months ago I set out on a mission. I was going to diet for 21 days and see whether intense discipline of the body would inspire me to find discipline and joy in other areas of my life. I lost 20 pounds in 21 days. Yep, that’ true. And guess what? I kept all the weight off for about 6 months. In the last two weeks, I put on about 5 pounds. Why? Well, because I went out to eat every day and stopped exercising. Crazy? Nope. There is NO MAGIC FORMULA. It’s hard work people.
So what am I doing now? Today I am starting another intense diet, except I am going for 42 days instead of 21. Why today? Because I am taking my own advice and NOT WAITING. Starting an intense diet right around the holidays is going to be intensely hard for me, someone who loves and appreciates food. But I am doing it. I am doing it now, because I am inspired now and I do not believe in waiting. Come January 1st I will be in the best shape of my life and I will start my year off with gratitude, just as I start every single day with gratitude. Gratitude for what I lose and what I gain and everything in between.
Today is the only day you have, so do not wait.
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