Embrace the Power of Authenticity – Get Rid of that Ego, and Capitalize on Being Real

Experts and industry know-it-alls are a dime a dozen. Amongst professionals who know they are the bee’s knees, your vulnerability will shine. The power of telling your clients that you are on a journey and still have a lot to learn will definitely be a magical tool in your tool kit for success. People love to work with talented, and driven individuals that are confident enough to reveal their vulnerabilities. They will take pride in rooting for the underdog and will want to be a part of your journey.

Are you new to your field? Don’t be afraid to let your clients know. There is power in communicating that you are indeed a rookie, but one they should look out for! If they have contacted you, then you already have a spark that has caught their attention. An overconfident salesperson with a not-so-abundant portfolio is like client repellent. On the flip side, if you are authentic in presenting your experiences, dreams, and passion for your craft, you will have already struck a chord in a fellow human who would most likely want to work with a professional who has a pulse.

The successful and hilarious writer, actor, director, and pretty much superhero, Lena Dunham said it best when she said “…success is connecting with an audience who understands you and having a dialogue with them.  I think success is continuing to push yourself forward creatively and not sort of becoming a caricature of yourself.”

Considering her rock star status at twenty-six, Lena is definitely a business heroine who knows her stuff. Present your true and ambitious self to your clients, and reap the benefits. Chances are, there are plenty of “caricatures” in the industry you are in, so present something new and connect with your clients authentically, by setting aside your ego and letting them see you.


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