The Guide To Feeling Better Instantly!

Bulletproof coffee, grass fed beef and “organic” everything,  you need a coach just to deal with daily living in LA!

I’ve seen more solutions for feeling better here in LA in 1 month here than all of 2015 elsewhere.

When my waitress asked me if I’d like a grass-fed burger with organic spinach on the side, I asked her what she meant.

Not realizing that where I come from, (Ireland) cows only eat grass and the word organic simply means the dirt has been washed off the carrot, not that you pay extra for it!

I’m drawing the line at bulletproof coffee though. Butter in your coffee?

Here, they think it’s better for you.

It’s meant to curb the sugar swing and activate the brain to” illuminate the mind”, or something Californian like that, but what if it’s just better for you because you think it is?

Let me explain.

Thinking the butter in coffee helps, makes it help.

This is not a rant to save normal coffee or stop the killing of “grass-fed “ butter; rather what I’m seeing is that thoughts create feelings.

Lets look at this another way.

Say you’ve got zero in your bank account and all of your thoughts are spinning on money, how much you have, what you owe and by when .

You might notice that you start to have feelings and bodily reactions, like anxiety, nervousness or a deep unrest.

Now let’s say someone pays you 10K that very same day, what you might see is that the reactions suddenly stop and you feel better again.

It would be natural to assume that getting the money is what made you feel better.

Just like it would be natural to assume drinking bulletproof coffee must make you bulletproof or something.

What I’m starting to see though is that the moment you got the money your thinking about it settled down and subsequently with more settled thoughts, your reactions and physical feelings diminish or disappear completely.

As long as we think that it’s the butter, the money, the location or anything else outside of us that makes us feel well, we’ll be at the mercy of outside forces, which, like our thoughts, are constantly changing and sometimes volatile.

The moment we see that all that’s ever going on is made up of our thoughts and that below those thoughts we feel well, all of the time, regardless of the circumstances, then we’re free to drink bulletproof not because we need protection from coffee but because we like it, and we’re free to make the money not because without it we’re dead.

We just end up feeling better instantly, no longer thinking our well-being depends upon something on the outside.


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

Do you have any go-to tricks for feeling better instantly? How do your thoughts affect your well-being? Leave your answer in the comments below! 



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