Finding the Light

I have a confession to make…

I’m still figuring out who I am…

Ok, it’s true – I’m 24 years young, but to be solid in life you need to be solid in who you are, right?

From the time I was about this young, I felt like I had to hurry up and become. Like there’s some unspoken timeline of when you need to finalize yourself.

(Something scary for a girl of many interests like myself).

But being in a community of women who are utilizing the evolution of their skills, interests and talents as they progress makes me realize that I can do the same.

The light has finally been shed on my former shadowy insecurities of figuring out myself! So, for now, I’ll just stay inspired by the Heroines who have come before me, and of course, those surrounding me.

Have you ladies ever experienced this? I’m curious to know where you are on your journey to being YOU.

Love and light,
Past, present and future Katie

Katie Johnston Business Heroine Magazine

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