Sacred Sassy Heroine – F**k Perfect!
Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper exoskeleton and reconnect with the howling sister within. She is sacred. She is sassy. She is YOU. And she is a Heroine.
Looking back over the last few decades, how many otherwise perfectly good days of your life have been contaminated by that pervasive perverted perfection myth?
I’ve been reading back through some of my high school journals *wince*.
My self-loathing and constant striving for some external imaginary perfection is hair raising. I look back at pictures of my young turmoiled self and I want to shake her and scream, “Are you effin kidding me? You’re worried about zits? Look at your tight round ass girl! Shut up and just enjoy those enjoy those buoyant boobies, they will not remain like that, this I promise you!”
I could go on and on…
It’s true – I give my self WAY more slack now on the body issue end of things. I would actually go so far as to admit loving my body in it’s uniqueless levitated 40-something form. Does that mean I’ve eradicated the perfection infection? Nope. It’s a sneaky lil sucker.
At the end of the “when and then” rainbow that elusive pot of golden perfection still taunts me. Where I used to be tormented by wardrobe envy – now it’s website envy. Who’s got the hottest Business booty? I see that sexy Business Heroine, or this other amazing B.H. and I just know that obviously they have the answers. Look how perfectly professional and polished she is! She’s got it ALL.
I used to write outrageous and sadistic to do lists for myself that I was willing to bet would bring about symptoms of perfection one of these days. These lists were comprised of crap like the cucumber diet (you did that too right?), along with getting up at 5 am to do 150 sit ups, shower, shave, shampoo, mousse, gel, blow dry, curl, and spray your 80’s hair? If you’re too young to remember those bangs, I forgive you.
What I’m getting at is… are you doing that to yourself professionally right now?
Is your to do list longer than your love list, more important than your gratitude list? Are you gnashing your networking teeth and running ragged striving to be THAT, to do THAT?
Here it is sista, sit down. I’m gonna give it to you sweet and straight. Ready?
Take notes. F**CK PERFECT! It’s not real. Your life in the meantime is!
I’m writing this because just the other day I met a woman who had ME, lil ole screwed up me, on the perfection pedestal (I know. I was shocked too). As we talked, it became more and more apparent how much she didn’t know about my messy human life. The waves of empathy came crashing in. Wow, how many times have I done that very same thing?
The truth I’m reminding you and myself of today is that we are all in this together! It’s not a fierce competition. It’s a funky collaboration. Let’s get real! We’re all doing the best we can, busting our asses, laughing at ourselves, and being totally amazing Business Heroines!
So say it with me 3x, loud and proud! F**ck perfect! F** ck Perfect! F**CK PERFECT!
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