Holiday Survival Tips

{Maureen McNamara} Business Heroine Magazine


Winter holidays receive a huge build-up with high expectations. Even before the last piece of Halloween candy is eaten or the first dusting of snow has fallen, stores are advertising sales, Christmas music is playing, and there is a buzz in the air.

What if the Holidays truly could be the most wonderful time of the year?

Spit out the rotten fruit cake and take a sweet bite of new possibilities this Holiday Season.

Are you willing to cruise through the Holidays empowered and in JOY?

This season you are invited to ditch the stress and excessive egg-nogging by navigating your way through November & December with way more laughter and merriment.

Here is a list of Holiday survival tips to make this a happy time of year, by keeping expectations at a reasonable level and by setting realistic goals. Let’s move from surviving to thriving!

1. Choose a different view ~ Decide right now, as we approach the hectic Holidays, to look at November & December from a different perspective. What if you replaced the mass chaos, maxed-out credit cards, crowds of people, stress, overeating and exhaustion, with imagining and creating what is pleasing and brings you joy. Remember and look forward to the excitement and the feelings of the true Holiday spirit. Can you let go of the stories from past holidays and the experiences of pressure and anxiety of all the seasons past? And… instead, choose to see it from a different view?

2. Remember what matters most ~ Do you have to have the “perfect” outfit for your office Holiday party? Are the most expensive and elaborate gifts, really the best ones? Do the holidays need to resemble a Lifetime Movie Special or Hallmark Greeting Card? What if you focused on the special moments spent with loved ones or the joyous, peaceful times with yourself? What do the holidays mean to you? Do you treasure time spent with family and friends? Remember to have perspective and look at the big picture by asking yourself… “Does this truly matter? And…will this bring me joy?”

3. Stay healthy and take care of yourself ~ Treat your body, mind and spirit with care during the Holidays (and everyday!). It is possible to eat and drink what your body desires while staying healthy and vibrant. Ask your body “Do I really want to eat this 7th piece of fruitcake or drink this 2nd glass of spiked eggnog?” You can maintain your health regime and be playful this season. Find balance and indulge consciously so that you feel good about your choices. Your body, mind and (Holiday) spirit will thank you! You can enjoy your treats this holiday season guilt-free by making mindful choices you truly desire.

4. Gratitude ~ What can you be grateful for this Holiday season? There is often a sense of idealism, pressure, overwhelm and loneliness around this time. It is often described as “the most wonderful time of year,” and that is not always the reality (until NOW!). Each day focus on the good in your life. What would open up and be revealed if you played in the energy of gratitude this season? Enjoy the simple pleasures, experience joy, laugh, share, and dance through this Holiday with greater ease. Squash your inner Scrooge and be thankful for all the gifts in your life (and not just the ones wrapped in pretty paper!).

5. Spend less stress less ~ The Holiday season can cause financial pressures with all the extra expenses from gift giving, traveling and buying lots of mistletoe. Sometimes we seem to forget that the holiday season is not ALL about presents. You do not have to give and receive expensive presents in order to have a happy holiday. In fact, would you be happier if you created and stayed within a budget this year instead of maxing yourself out and becoming a Grinch? Would a Holiday of less stress and more money make you more joyful and at ease?

6. Learn the power of “no” ~ The choice truly is yours … would you like to write a different story this year and un-wrap your old Holiday mind-set to reveal the joy of the season?! Make it your kind of Holiday by doing what brings you happiness, joy and laughter. If you feel bombarded with Holiday obligations, learn the power of “no” or ask for help. Release the stories from years past when your eggnog glass was overflowing with Holiday hustle & bustle and anxiety. Ask yourself: “Will this be fun/ rewarding/ smile inducing?” If not… say Yes to you by setting boundaries with family, friends and coworkers this year so you can experience the true delights of the season.





2 Responses to “Holiday Survival Tips”

  1. Kathleen Deggelman
    December 4, 2013 at 3:21 pm #

    Great article, Maureen. We are staying in tonight to have a family dinner with the kids, make christmas cookies and listen to christmas carols. Thanks for reminding me to enjoy the simple things – cuz that really is what matters!

    • Maureen McNamara
      December 4, 2013 at 4:40 pm #

      Thank you, Kathleen. I’m so happy you enjoyed the article. Your plans for the evening sound delightful and what a wonderful way to embrace the spirit of the Holiday Season with your family. It’s amazing what happens when we realize some of the simple things in life are truly the most special. Have fun making sweet memories and eat a cookie for me…YUM!

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