How Much of Your Life is Controlled by Fear?


When we think of our biggest fears, many of us touch on those that linger on the surface like heights, snakes, spiders, and in my case (dare I say it)–clowns. We don’t tend to dig very deep to realize the more complex fears that may control our actions and weigh us down. Although each of us has a unique poison that plagues us, I’m sure many can relate to the debilitating fears of inadequacy, failure, loneliness, mediocrity and rejection–just to name a few.

Experiencing these thoughts is natural, right? Sure, but not when it takes over our identity and dictates how we love, live each day, and respond to others. Such fears can produce unhappy and unmotivated individuals who can be highly contagious. Nothing is more toxic to professional progress than fear. Fearful thoughts are definitely not supporters of Businesses Heroines. Negative thoughts and behavior brought on by fear can infest an entire relationship, friendship, and community within a blink of an eye. This stuff spreads like wildfire.

So, is there a vaccine? Can we be inoculated against this virus? As a natural cynic, and one prone to fearful and negative thinking, sometimes the task just seems impossible. There are certain individuals who naturally see the silver lining and don’t dwell deep enough in ugly thoughts to be contaminated. On the flip side, some of us just have to work (a lot) harder to achieve peace of mind and well, simple happiness. I don’t mean to be a downer here, I promise, there’s a rainbow ahead… keep reading.

In her enlightening book May Cause Miracles, Gabrielle Bernstein begins her thirty day guidebook towards “radical change and unlimited happiness” with a powerful chapter called “Witness Your Fear.” In the first chapter of May Cause Miracles, Bernstein suggests that “when we are not aware of our fear, it takes residence in every area of our lives” as she encourages us to “raise [our] consciousness and open [our] minds to fear based patterns.” The thirty day journey provides empowering and soothing affirmations based on the idea that we must “witness” our behavior if we truly want to change it.

Business Heroine Magazine

Now that we have established that facing our fears can be a marathon for some of us, we have to accept that unless we start training to kick this thing in the butt, our quality of life will be significantly lower than it could be. When we overcome the hurdles of fear and negativity…the possibilities are endless. I am far from an expert on this topic, but I am definitely an expert on how powerful negative and fearful thinking can be. If you’re ready to commit to training towards throwing away the venomous thoughts and fears that are in your way, I’m in. I’m feeling better already.

Good luck on your fearless journey.


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