How to Add Value in Business – Three Network Marketing Secrets


Here’s the thing: The more you provide value, the more moola you earn. Yet what does it mean to provide value? How do you do it, and why is it so important?

To really get how to add value in business, here is what NOT to do:

I’m going to be straight up… If you’re not providing value, you’re adding noise. Even with good intentions, a lot of network marketing professionals end up being off-putting, without intending to be. You know what I mean… The guy at the networking function who blabbers on about why his company’s comp plan is better than any other. That person on social media whose newsfeed is like an advertising billboard in Times Square.

Perhaps you’ve done it too. Don’t worry… once you get how to add value in business, you will be a better communicator, make more dough, and have more fun in business!

Here are the secrets for how to do it…

Secret #1 for How to Add Value in Business: BE OF SERVICE

To understand how to add value in business, you must ask yourself, besides money, why you are in business? Do you love how your products contribute to people’s lives? Are you dedicated to helping people achieve their income goals and desired lifestyle?

If you see people as money for you, they will pick that up and instantly shut down. If you genuinely care, though, it will be an entirely different story. To know how to add value in business, just shift your attention from what you can get out of it and focus on how to serve instead.

An excellent way to do this is to connect people with what they want. When you meet other folks in business, ask them what they need to reach their goals, and think of people with whom you can connect them. Guaranteed they be more likely to send referrals to you in return and, better than that, by focusing on how to add value in business, you are operating from a place of abundance and you increase your capacity for success.

Secret #2 for How to Add Value in Business: LISTEN!

Probably the best way for how to add value in business is to LISTEN. Most people focus on what they are going to say next to get the person they’re talking to interested. Instead, ask questions and listen to the answers. Their answers will give you insights on how you can help them.

That fella who gabs on about his comp plan is talking to a brick wall if the person across from him just wants the product. He would be much more effective if he simply listened for what matters to them.

By the way, be genuine! Connect with people in a meaningful way, and care about what their needs and desires. It doesn’t work to do all the talking in hopes of getting them to do something for you.

Secret #3 for How to Add Value in Business: SOLVE PROBLEMS

The best possible test for whether you’re mastering how to add value in business is how often you hear this phrase: “Thank You.”

How to add value in business is by improving people’s lives. How many people are thanking you for helping them? This is exactly why your paycheck is a great measure for the value you provide.

In network marketing we provide value in so many ways. Some of the best products can only be purchased through network marketing companies. Our industry generates millionaires every day. Instead of worrying about jumping ranks as quickly as possible, focus on providing solutions in a way that really matters to people.

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