Sacred Sassy Heroine: I’ll Show You Mine, If You Show Me Yours!
Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper exoskeleton and reconnect with the howling sister within. She is sacred. She is sassy. She is YOU. And she is a Heroine.
(You thought I was going to say men, didn’t you? Well, yeah that, too.)
I see a boring trend contaminating so many entrepreneurs these days.
One might call it seeking external approval, or asking the public’s permission. Either way the repeated result is effectively muting one’s message.
I’m about to get wuwu so deal with it. Here is my strong hot message today coming straight to you:
- What if there is enough of what has already been done out there?
- What if there is a bold new solution, method, or possibility that Spirit is sending straight through you?
- What if you were brave enough to open your own flood gates and tell the truth that’s aching to be expressed through you?
- What if instead of listening to your colleagues, coaches, and mentors you trusted your own soul’s wisdom and did it a different way, your own way?
- What if you weren’t afraid to shock, outrage, and disturb the status quo?
Here’s the deal. I know there’s a cookie cutter success formula out there. I also know it’s losing its edge as fast I’m deleting your newsletters from my inbox. The speed with which technology is growing and changing says there is no time to trim the tassels of your truth to fit anyone else’s standard.
Years ago I worked with a marketing/branding coach who took one look at my blog and let me have it. She told me it was unprofessional. I got way too personal with my content. She said my blog was a disaster. Her advice was I delete and start over. From here on out I make myself the authority. Take out the mushy emotional “weakness” I was showing and start writing in the expert formula model many other bloggers were using.
I’m not sure if my defiance to her suggestion came from my wounded ego or from a solid self trust, but in any case I wouldn’t be writing to you now had I diluted my message and gone mainstream.
More importantly I would not be writing from an inspired place of authenticity.
Why the hell else would I even be writing?
My truth is my love song to my clients – my clients, not yours. Your unique message is your love song to your clients! This is a very important distinction. As you water down what you have to say to fit in or be more professional, you sound more and more like everyone else out there. It becomes harder and harder for your clients to find you!
Can we please just agree to be bold, brilliant and ballsy? Will you dig deep and shout loud?
Sister, I want to hear your version, your inspiration, your new idea! The world needs what is fresh, different and crazy.
Make the masses double blink, shake their heads and say, “nah, that’ll NEVER work.” Then blow ‘em outa the old stagnant water!
Show me your freak flag! Sing us your Soul Song! Please I’m begging you…
Give it to me hot and strong, Baby, just the way I like it!
Yeah, Kara! I commit to keep digging until all I find is me – pure, complicated, messy, awesome and AUDACIOUS!
Love this article, more than ice cream.