Cover Interview: Ingrid Arna – Create Riches and Be the Leader You Were Born to Be

Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)

Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)Ingrid Arna has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Instyle, Cleo, Vogue and the Huffington Post. Ingrid is the leading women’s money and sales coach for visionary online entrepreneurs and coaches. A spiritual strategist with a gift for creating OMG branding and programs and businesses that make bank and change the world. Combining deep soul healing with savvy marketing systems is her groove thing. Ingrid has transformed the lives of her clients with savvy strategy and spiritual guidance. Enjoy her exclusive Business Heroine interview…



BH: How did you end up doing what you do? Tell us your story! (If relevant, we’d love to hear about the tough times and how you came through the other side)

Ingrid: I moved to NYC at 20 to escape lovely but equally mad family to model and pursue my acting and writing career. Unfortunately I had so many insecurities from childhood that they followed me all the way from Australia to the USA. Go figure.

You can’t run from yourself. I know that one now very well. Before long I was popping diet pills and developed a full blown eating disorder – or a soul disorder masked as body image self worth crisis.

Long story short, I became incredibly sick and was forced to finally look deeply at the trauma that plagued my life. It was at that point that I first began my healing work, and I started with myself. I got down on my hands and knees and prayed to the DIVINE to for guidance and help.

I then went on to raise capital in NYC and launched my clothing line ‘Bodylove’, endorsed by celebrities like Kate Winslet and featured in numerous glossy magazines. I wrote my first book, BodyLove Diet (daily – intuitive – energy – transformation) and spent six years as a wellness mind-body coach. About 4 years ago I took my business and advertising experience and moved into business coaching and spiritual mentoring.


Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)


BH: What is your ‘Wake Up Call for the World?’ In other words, what is most of the world asleep about that you would love to wake up? (in your area of expertise, in business, life in general)

Ingrid: Trust yourself and Love yourself. The money, success and beauty you desire will blossom from that point of attraction.


Business Heroine Magazine


BH: What are the biggest challenges or aspirations your clients come to you with, and what does your work make possible for them?

Ingrid: The biggest challenge I see consistently is a lack of belief in their brilliance and what follows is an inability to grow a sustainable business and a nourishing life. They feel like they’re drowning in six figures! With love, guidance and advanced strategy, I guide my clients to create financially lucrative and soul aligned businesses.

With over 20 years experience in business, I know what works and what doesn’t. Unless you build a company with a solid foundation with systems that allow you to grow into seven figures, we run the risk of driving ourselves and our relationships into the ground. My work, is about ensuring that women not only make great money but that they create businesses that give them true FREEDOM.

Success is just loving what you do and how you do it. If you want to make an impact, you need to make money to do it.

In short, I activate femmeprenurs to own their brilliance and charge what they are worth so they can make they impact they are born to make!


Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)


I love nothing more than seeing other women step into their power to create lucrative brands that not only change their own lives but change the world. The Dalai Lama said, ‘The Western woman will change the world’. I fully agree with this statement in fact we are already doing it.

On the flip side I also see a lot of struggle. We need more sisters to rise into power to create the shifts we need globally. As each woman rises we light a flame in another. Women are born leaders. You just have to follow your vision and courage.

We need more empowered wealthy women who are committed to changing the world and we can do that by changing our own lives first. Transforming our relationship with money and our self-worth is the key to our freedom. We must remove any shame we have about receiving compensation for our divine work in the world.


Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)


BH: We’re curious about your breakthrough moment in business. Looking back, what created the breakthrough?

Ingrid: I was so freakin’ done with struggle! I was soooo done. I was over being a victim. I was over waiting for permission. I was over playing small.

It was at that point when I had given birth to my daughter three years ago. I was in the hospital texting a client, and I realized I had to make a change in my life. The breakthrough was deciding to create a life that was truly nourishing and a business that was financially rewarding without sacrificing my wellbeing any longer.

I decided to become a badass money Goddess. I was done with driving myself into the ground.

The next thing I did was triple my prices and then launch high-end programs and my group coaching (despite being completely freaked out). I went from making $70K a year to $300K within 5 months and my business keeps building as I keep growing. It sounds ‘rah rah’ but it’s true! I had to heal my relationship with money, myself, selling, and my idea of serving.

We’ve all heard the saying ‘you teach what you most need to learn’. That’s certainly the case for me.


Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)


BH: What words of wisdom do you have for all the emerging Business Heroines out there who are on the cusp of creating their own purpose-based business?

Ingrid: Really tune inwards. You know what you want to do. The key to creating a purpose-based business is owning your desire. Don’t question it. Start doing it. That will set you free.

I often say to clients “You‘re not normal. You’re a visionary. Stop pretending to be normal. That shade of grey never suited you and never will.” It’s the trying to fit in and disowning our vision that makes us physically, financially and spiritually sick.

Want to break free? Start anywhere. Begin. If you need support. Get it. We don’t do anything alone. Build your femme squad. Surround yourself with sistas who will love you into greatness.

But the excuses have got to go. Move. Do the work and your life will completely change.


Ingrid Arna (Business Heroine Magazine)


Special Offer From Heroine Ingrid Arna!

Grab the FREE video workshop The Sacred Money Miracle that will teach you how to package and sell high-end programs with EASE, LOVE and GRACE.

Get it here!



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