From Inner Void to Inner Peace


What is an “inner void” anyway?

You know that feeling that no matter what your relationship status is, how much money you make, what job you have or what weight is reflected on the scale, you still have an unshakeable feeling of just not being happy.

Though you may put a smile on to make it through the day or perhaps you answer concerned questions about your well being with such standards as “I’m fine” or “It’s all good,” your manipulated cheerfulness cannot overpower the truth within your heart.

No matter what, you can’t escape the emptiness that you feel when you are still and you aren’t letting distractions keep you from acknowledging the truth.

It is hard to put your finger on it, but something just isn’t right. Something is missing.

What if I told you that I know what the missing piece is to the puzzle of your heart?

Now, I may not know you personally but I will speak from my own experience.

I used to be a chaser and a follower.

I chased one thing after the next trying to fill my inner void- from job hopping, to desperately being in a relationship, to living beyond my means.

I followed every fad diet known to man, every quick fix, get rich scheme and guru of the moment.
I had it all wrong.

I was looking for the outward to complete the inward.
It wasn’t until I realized that I had to get complete with myself first.
I had to own who I was and I had to believe I was enough, just as I am.

If you are on a “hamster wheel” of movement- always moving but never getting anywhere and never feeling truly happy, then it is time to step off and be still.

It is time to examine the inward and what areas of your life you are not being authentic and true to your passion, purpose and potential.

It is time to get rid of the distractions and start living with heart-centered focus.
That can only be done when you stop ignoring that inner void and pay attention to what it is trying to tell you.

It’s telling you that you are not living as all that you were created to be.

It is time to rip off the band-aids in your life so you can make changes that truly heal.

Awareness and acknowledgement is the first step to a path of inner peace.



2 Responses to “From Inner Void to Inner Peace”

  1. December 5, 2013 at 1:16 am #

    Oh dear, this post really hit home! It was as if you had written about me. From Inner Void to Inner Peace is exactly what I am searching for and at all the wrong places. Thank you for sharing your story on this!

    • Allyson Spellman
      December 6, 2013 at 7:47 am #

      Hi Carina! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I love sharing my story because so many women can relate. I am glad you connected with it! Check out more encouragement on my website :)

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