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Inspired by What Sucks
That moment when you came out of the entrepreneurial closet? For me it was a slow creep… inspired by what sucks.
All I wanted was to do work that lit me up. To spend my days feeling fulfilled, self-expressed, and like I’m actually making a difference. I wanted freedom. Choice. To spend my time and energy how I want. To travel and explore. I didn’t have a problem with “work” per se, just the way it was force fed.
This 9-5 thing. I was like, “This has got to be a hoax, right?” THAT’S what I spent my entire young life in school for? Studying and making sure I got decent grades so I could get into college… Stressing over mid-terms to get a degree so I could get a job… Getting a stable job in order to… pay the bills. So I could afford a life of paying off student loans with my job.
Ummm? Really, that’s what our lifetime on this planet is for? And the remaining scraps of time after 5pm are what we get?
Oh heeeeeeell no!
The funny thing is, I would have been cool with it if I found a job that actually utilized what I had to give. I didn’t want to just punch a clock. I wanted responsibility. I wanted to be creative. I wanted to contribute. But at some point I realized there was no box (in the form of a job description) that could be that outlet. I had to create my own. HAD to. Create another way or die a slow, suffocating, boring death.
Anyone can create their own inspiring career & awesome life-giving business. I’m serious about that… if you desire it, it’s meant for you. Desires aren’t random or irrelevant.
Thank you “what sucks” for showing us what is possible instead. Ahh, what an amazing time to be an entrepreneur, yes? Go us!
We’d love to hear from YOU…
What has sucked in your life that you turned into a powerful motivator? What did you shift and change as a result? Leave your answer in the comments below!
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