The Empowered Messenger: Investing In Yourself When You Have No Money

The Empowered Messenger – The heroine whose message burns inside her, begging to be released. Even though her pen may quiver and her voice may shake, she knows it is time to stand in her power – clear, confident, courageous. She says yes to the call, and she shares her message, because she was born to inspire.

Question: I know that I need to invest in myself in order to build my business and make money, but I don’t have money to invest in myself yet! It’s a chicken or the egg dilemma. How can I make money to invest in myself so that I can make MORE money?

This is a fabulous question!

What I want to talk about with this question is all about the idea of investment.

We definitely want to invest money in ourselves so we can learn,  grow, expand, and be able to serve and build our business. But sometimes when we don’t have money, we can invest in other ways.

We can invest in ourselves by giving ourselves time to study, to rest, to connect with spirit, or to consume some things we’ve already invested in. We can also invest in our relationships.

The two main areas I would suggest that you invest in right now if you don’t have money, is in your relationships and in yourself.

You are catching me this month doing exactly that right now!

I was in a space where I really needed a shift to happen in my own life and my own business, so I took myself away. I invested money in taking myself on a little retreat so I could return to my own source of inspiration where I could refresh and rejuvenate myself, because one of the most important things we can do is taking care of the golden goose.

It’s important to take care of yourself and invest in yourself in any number of ways, whether it’s financially or giving yourself time. So I’m doing both right now. I invested in this lovely little hotel room with a kitchenette so I can cook my own meals, and it’s right down the street from the beach so I can go for a walk, which I did today.

I needed to take this time away to just get clear and open up my creative channels. Once our creative channels are open, we get inspired and figure out ways that we can generate more money so we can so that we can invest in ourselves again! Really, that’s what the process if all about.

There’s one other thing that comes to mind and that is investing in relationships.

I would be willing to bet you that if there is something that is really super powerful that you are meant to be doing and you don’t have the money right now, it’s very likely there are people around you who are potentially willing to support you in making that investment.

However, what you need to be willing to do is ask for the money. That requires that you exercise your “asking for money” muscle, and it’s a selling conversation. It’s an enrollment conversation. You would be presenting your case to whoever it is around you, whether it’s parents, your, spouse, boss, brothers, sister-in-laws, friends or whatever, you’re presenting your case.

That means you have to be an Empowered Messenger. You have to be really clear about why this investment is of such high value, and what it’s going to do to allow you to build more capacity, courage, confidence, clarity, whatever it is that this investment is going to help you build so that you can better in your business!


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

What’s your favorite way to invest in yourself and your business? What’s the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself? Leave your answer in the comments below! 



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