It’s More Than Just a Note


Let’s focus on something simple: bringing in more business and increasing conversion rates.

So we’ll start with something rather old fashioned, but stands the test of time: the handwritten note. Long before I discovered Keith Ferazzi’s book, “Never Eat Lunch Alone”, my headmistress brain washed us into thinking sending hand written notes was simply a sign of good manners. Fast forward almost two decades and I often reflect on the wisdom of Mrs Hinchliffe.

Handwritten notes stand out from the pack and demand the attention of their recipient.

Have you ever chosen not to read a handwritten note? Probably not. In contrast, when was the last time you chose not to read an email? Probably just in the last hour!

So not only do handwritten notes help you stand out, but send a very strong message to the recipient that he or she is important to you.

Here are five potential sales situations to consider using handwritten notes:

1.  Before you call a prospect. I have had great success getting through to key decision makers when I send a brief note of introduction in advance of my call. Within the note I tell them why I am calling, when I am going to call, and the amount of time I am requesting from them (five minutes or less). Test it out in your market and measure the results, then tweak what is not working.

2.  As a thank you for a meeting. I know, it’s much easier to say thank you in an email, but that is the point–a note is more personal and much more likely to be noticed and appreciated by your client/prospect/strategic source etc.

3.  To let a client know that you are thinking of them.  A powerful way to foster long-term relationships is to let your clients know that you are thinking of them beyond what they can do for you. A note that accompanies an article, a cartoon, or a token of personal interest like a recipe, book, or photograph goes a long way in helping you to further cement your relationship.

4.  To get the attention of someone who is not returning your calls or emails. Most of us have different competing demands on our time. Many of us receive hundreds of emails a day. That is a lot to sort through so there is a good chance that emails go overlooked. Think about sending a card with a carefully worded message.

5. Don’t forget to send a note to all your contacts who send you referrals, especially the ones that result in business. These little gestures go a long way. Remember, people do business with who they like, know and trust.

Treat the whole business of sending notes with thought and care and your business will grow. It’s a simple strategy that has stood the test of time – and, of course you can always get double duty by having your brand logo on the cards – that’s what I do.

Selling is about being strategic, smart and practical.


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