Spotlight Interview: Jean Sullivan on Holistic Energy

Jean Sullivan on Holistic Energy, Business Heroine MagazineJean Sullivan is a powerful holistic healer who specializes in Reiki and Primus Activation Healing Technique. She provides her clients with relaxing holistic energy healing sessions that leave her clients feeling as though they have had a massage for their soul.

She is a gifted and insightful intuitive, who provides in depth tarot card readings for her clients. With over twenty years experience in the field of education, Jean skillfully creates and masterfully facilitates innovative and informative workshops and seminars.

Jean enjoys working with clients who want to improve their physical and emotional health, are searching for balance in their lives, and would like to strengthen the connection between their body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy her exclusive Business Heroine interview…


BH: How did you get into holistic energy medicine?

Jean: I began by having sessions myself. I loved how the energy sessions made me feel so much better from both an emotional and physical standpoint. Energy medicine was able to access something for me that therapy and conventional medicine could not. It was able to right the ship, so to speak, and put the pieces, or parts of me back together. Although I did not know this at the time, I have since learned that modalities such as Reiki and Primus can remove energetic blockages, change your thought patterns, and improve your physical state by decreasing and often removing pain. It improves brain function, and increases recovery time from surgery or sickness.

At the time when I first started receiving sessions I just knew it made me feel better, and as a result I fell in love with energy medicine. As an intuitive person myself, I knew by incorporating my intuitive abilities with my work as a holistic healer, I could combine what I love, and what I know works so well for so many, into a heart centered business that would make a positive difference in people’s lives.

BH: Why is holistic energy important to receive?

Jean: Holistic energy is important to receive because it strengthens the mind, body and spirit connection. It grounds and centers you. Holistic energy works to relax you, lowering stress levels and all the issues that stress brings to the body when it is present. It helps you to manage life in general because it removes that frenetic energy that is within you when life gets in the way.

Jean Sullivan on Holistic Energy, Business Heroine Magazine

Holistic energy quiets the mind and Primus Activation Healing Technique helps you to feel as though you have had a massage for your soul. Primus works to relax you and to also replenish your energy so you feel renewed. By working with chi, or life force energy, holistic modalities such as Reiki help you to connect with the spiritual part of your being, thus reconnecting you to your spiritual self.  If you receive holistic energy sessions on an on going basis you will learn how to become happier, healthier, and more peaceful.

BH: What is Reiki and Primus Activation Healing Technique?

Jean: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is based on the idea that an unseen “life force” is within us and is what causes us to be alive. It promotes healing and is administered either by laying hands on the body or from a distance. It is a natural and safe method of spiritual healing, and self care that everyone can use.

Primus Activation Healing Technique is an exciting and unique approach to energy medicine. It involves cutting edge neurocardioligy research and human energetics to activate the central nervous system. It brings the body into an optimum energetic and biochemical state, known as the Primus state, for physical, and emotional healing, by creating energetic shifts, and biochemical cascades in the body.

BH: What can people do to bring more balance to their lives?

Jean: The short answer to that is to simply breathe, and with that said, I mean REALLY breathe. To breathe and to connect are vitally important to both our mental state and our physical being. To breathe deeply does not take long, less than a minute actually, and you will feel so much better by doing this.

Try the following exercise: take a moment and close your eyes, take a long slow deep breath in through your nose, slowly exhale through your mouth. Think only about your breathing. Take two more deep breaths in slowly through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. When you are ready open your eyes. Now check in to see how you feel. This is a quick and easy way to gain balance to your life. It is something you can do just about anywhere and can be done several times a day. It helps to calm, balance and center you.

You can also do meditation, chi gong or tai chi and have holistic energy sessions. All of these will help you gain balance in your life and are highly recommended. However, when you are in the moment and just need a break – simply breathe. Make sure it is done deeply and slowly three times and with as little distractions as possible.

BH: How can energy medicine help people?

Jean: Energy medicine can help people by opening them up to new possibilities within themselves. It offers the opportunity to create a more compassionate, thoughtful person. Someone who is more heart centered with a stronger sense of self. It helps people to heal from the inside out. Energy medicine can change one’s mindset, to one that is more positive and gentler with oneself. It touches the soul. It helps you to change your thoughts and quite possibly your actions. Energy medicine removes emotional blockages so you can become the successful heroine you want to be.


Jean Sullivan on Holistic Energy, Business Heroine Magazine


BH: How can the Business Heroines get more of you?

Jean: I’m offering a free 15 minute one-on-one consultation with me! Heroines can contact me at to schedule an appointment.

Also, if Heroines would like to book an hour energy session or tarot card reading with me, I will offer $15.00 off your first session or reading.



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