Leftovers Suck. You Deserve Better!


Not too long ago I reached out to group of gals that I know via Facebook and asked them what their biggest challenge was about building a business while working for someone else. Answers ranged from:

▪ Not having enough time to fit it all in

▪ Doing a great job at at my 9-to-5 when I really don’t care

▪ Keeping my mojo up after working in such a negative office all day

▪ Maintaining enough energy for my job, my kids and my side biz

▪ Not knowing if I am doing what I need to be doing

I get it, I do. You’re passionate. You love your side biz, you have a big humongous dream and you are willing (in theory) to do whatever it takes.

But I want to pose a question to you: Are you really doing whatever it takes? Really?

Because one thing that I notice is that it can be easy to let yourself off the hook when you’re busting your butt catering to the more pressing needs in your day. Most side hustlers let their side hustle wait until everything else is done and then whatever they have left they give to their dreams.

But that seems pretty bass ackwards. Amiright?!

The life you dream of, the work that fills you–those should get your best not the leftovers.

Give whatever’s left to the less-pressing matters.

If you’re sick and tired of never feeling as though you’re giving your side biz the attention and investment that it needs and if you are ready to actually start really putting the best of yourself into your dream then check out a few super simple shifts that will change your life: (Note: I said simple but not necessarily easy.)

Remember you have a choice

You are in control. Don’t give up that power to anyone or anything else. You make a choice to do the work you do. You choose your schedule, your priorities. You teach others how to treat you. You have made every choice that has brought you to this place in your life. And you can make choices to create the life you want. You have all the power. Make empowered choices.

Get up early

This will change your life. If you wake up before the rest of your house and you prioritize the work that lifts you and lifts others you will completely change your outlook. I’m serious. I can already hear you saying “I’m not a morning person.” Bull. You are what you say you are. (See #1) Humor me and just assume that maybe I’m on to something here. Commit to waking up one hour before the rest of your house. Set an alarm across the room. Get your butt out of bed and knock out something big and meaningful in your side biz before anyone else is even awake. YOU WILL FEEL INCREDIBLE. It is a better jolt than a Venti PSL (mmm…PSL) and will shift your spirit enough to get you through the day with more energy and mojo than you thought possible. Just do it.

Schedule guilt-free free time

Block it out right now. It can be as little as 30 minutes of quiet time. Whatever recharges you and has absolutely zero to do with your work is a valid use of this time. Also, step away from the iWhatever. Wondering why? Because when is the last time a genius idea came to you while you were staring at your computer screen? Uhhh…never, right?! Get out there, get your mind off your business, let your subconscious do the work while you bask in the glory of guilt-free time off.

You’ve created the life you are living and you have the power to change anything in it that you want. I want you to make a shift to prioritize your business rather than giving it the leftover scraps of yourself you can scrape together at the end of the day. You are better than that and your business deserves better.

Commit to doing the things that others are unwilling to do now so that you may create a life that others will be unable to have later.

Take Action Now: What’s the one tip that you are committed to implementing this week?



2 Responses to “Leftovers Suck. You Deserve Better!”

  1. November 21, 2013 at 8:43 pm #

    I’ve been making it a point (and it’s been damn hard, but SO worth it) to get up early every morning and to start off the day with a chapter out of my current book and a few minutes writing out my goals… LIFE CHANGING!

    Thank you for this post! Such an encouragement and the kick in the butt I needed!

    • Steph Gordon
      November 23, 2013 at 7:56 am #

      Daliah, good for you!! It really can make a complete difference in your business and your life. It can be tough as first but then the inspiration you feel from investing in yourself first thing jolts you awake! Looking forward to your book…the world needs it. xo

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