Is Your Life Nutty or Nice?


Do you know anyone that is stressed or overwhelmed, perhaps a little nutty? Ahem…could that person possibly be YOU? Wouldn’t it be sweet if life could run a bit more smoothly, like buttah, baby?

Perhaps it’s time to slow your roll, get creative and do some reevaluating?!

Welcome to living life with greater ease and less bedlam.

Once you allow yourself to view things differently and are open to a new process in which you do them, you invite and attract a simplified, more manageable life. Are you ready for your own customizable version of the easy button, right here, right now?!

Here are a few ways you can make your life easier, less stressful, more fun and totally badass.

1. Reduce clutter: Imagine the ease in your life when you are surrounded by things that bring you joy. Is now the time to clear out those closets and get rid of (or repair) the broken items in your physical space. Ahhhh- breathe easy and simplify your space!

2. Spiritual Time: Soul replenishment is vital, whether it’s meditating, listening to inspiring music, being in nature or going to a place of worship. Having silent time to self-reflect on the bigger meaning of it all will help you find peace throughout your day.

3. Exercise: Reduce stress, up your energy levels and you will feel better about yourself. Walk, run, spin, Zumba, Crossfit, hoolahoop…whatever, just get that that bootay in motion!

4. Self Care: Hook yourself up with stress relievers or things that make you feel bomb-diggity. Book a massage, sing and dance to your fav songs, spend time with friends and family, chill alone. It’s all about YOU, baby!

5. Add time to your day: Get up 20 minutes earlier. This will lower stress in the morning and will carry over to the rest of the day. The morning is a great time for feeling motivated and getting ‘er done.

6. Hire, collaborate or team-up with others: Can you outsource some of your current responsibilities to others? How about hiring an assistant to support you and your business, which will give you more time, create less stress and make you more successful? Have a family member run the errands you normally would to give you some personal time. Get creative and get results.

7. Enjoy the simple pleasures: A cup of tea, the latest episode of your favorite show, a sunset, a hug and kiss, a delicious dinner. Be grateful and appreciative of the simple things in life.

8. Take a minute and just breathe a couple of times a day: Simple and effective. Reconnect with the present moment and create a habit of living more mindfully by focusing all your attention on what is happening right now. Ahhhh…

9. Start a journal: Writing your thoughts and feelings down in a journal makes it easier to work through a challenge and to find a good solution. You can also use it to keep tabs on what is actually going on in your life instead of guesstimating how things are going. Use it as tool to remember all the superstar things you accomplish and dream and scheme for your future.

10. Spend 15 minutes each Sunday to plan the next week: Write down your plans for the week, organize and prioritize what’s happening on your schedule and to-do list. Prepare yourself to rock out the week. You’ll definitely find more clarity, get the most important things done and minimize your stress levels.

What can you add to your life or release that would create more balance between work and play?

Is now the time to decide you can ask for something for you? You are limitless, and when you are weighed down, it’s certainly hard to fly. There are so many ways that we can over-complicate things or sabotage ourselves.

The good news is there are just as many ways that we can step out of our own way and lighten our load. Explore and play until you find your favorite strategies that work and create ease within your life.

What if the perspective that “life is hard” could be eliminated from the world like MC Hammer pants…. Never to come back again.  (Hopefully).  Can you find life and its experiences amusing?  C’mon, Friend, let’s try it!


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