Signs of Something Loving + Lasting
Happy Spring!
It’s the season to focus on the new, let go old patterns, and begin new growth in the direction of your dreams. I couldn’t think of a better way then to honor this and the sun that has begun shining more consistently then with a “sacred strut” along the beach. These walks with God and myself have been a pivotal ritual in my loving my body and my life and I nearly busted through the doors this morning to have this time again.
As I was walking, my trainer at the gym popped into my message box to see where I have been. I explained I’ve missed the past 2 weeks due to sickness, but told him I should be back on Monday. All my body has been asking for is sleep and rest and I have been listening closely. We also talked about my upcoming workshop and got on the topic of relationships. After a few minutes, I ended the conversation by saying I needed to go, and that I can hear God much more clearly when I am listening. (These walks truly are for me to tune into myself and to Spirit.)
I asked God,” What else would you like me to know about my upcoming course or about relationships?” A few moments later, (which I could see because my face wasn’t buried in my phone) this popped up.
I immediately smiled and shared with my trainer this incredible sign!
He, being an Aries like me, prompted me to ask them the secret of their love in one word.
I always love a good interaction and excused myself to them.
The man said they had been married 34 years and communication; the wife said humor with a big smile.
I share this because having a loving relationship with our bodies is a lot like their partnership. As my friend and mentor Jena La Flamme teaches, it’s the collaboration between your mind and your body, or what Jena calls your female animal.
As you heard in my story, I have been listening and tuning into my body’s needs without force or punishment; providing her with plenty of rest, fresh air, sunshine, meditation time, etc. I have been communicating and loving her up, so she can love me in return.
Yet it wasn’t always this way… in the past I would have forced her to exercise, made my body feel horrible for getting sick, suffer through the illness, swore she gained 10 lbs from missing the gym, and would have been truly disrespectful and down right mean.
No humor there at all, and definitely not one I would want to last.
I wonder, how are you listening and communicating with your body? Do you see her as punishing you by holding on to extra weight, or trying to tell you to pay more deeply attention to her needs? Is your mind forcing her to eat certain by foods based on portions and numbers and restriction, or are you listening to your body for what she is truly desiring – to feel nourished and fulfilled? Do you call her mean names, or do you see yourself as the beautiful divine creature you are in every way?
This week I invite you to deepen into a more loving relationship with your body by beginning to communicate in a more open and committed manner. Sprinkle in some humor and let me know what happens.
Ask yourself before eating, “Body, what would you like to eat to feel nourished or energized in this moment?” (You choose how you would like to feel.)
“Body, How would you like to move today? (Notice if she wants to stretch, or feel strong, or dance, etc.)
“Body, You are so beautiful. What would feel good to wear today?” (Does a certain color, or outfit, or set of earrings pop out?)
You may feel silly at first, but I invite you to spend some more time in relationship to your body, truly loving her and listening.
And don’t be surprised when she talks back!
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