Minimize Stress in 60 Seconds or Less!


Tips to help you live life with more ease…

Living life with less stress and more ease is highly important for people who are looking to live a long, healthy and joy-filled life. Stress seems to come up at all times during the day, for a variety of reasons and sometimes can last for a long period of time. This stressful state is highly unhealthy for the body! So the question is – how can we stress less and do it quickly?

I know it may seem hard to believe but you can cut your stress in 60 seconds or less! There are many ways to stress less but these are the five most effective and simple ways to get it done fast.

Tip 1 – what you focus on expands. If you are staying focused on what is stressing you out then you are adding more of that stress to your life. Stop focusing on whatever it is. Let it be and think about something else. It will not always be easy to shift your focus – but the second you decide to think about something else, the stress will already start to lessen. Trust me!

Tip 2 – move your body! Get moving – do something! Sitting down and harping on something that is bothering you will just create more stress for you to deal with. Get out of your seat or out of your office and do something active. Go for a walk or a run! Head over to the gym and sweat it out. Do something to get out of your head and into your heart. Movement is a quick way to transition out of your mind and into your body where you can move that negative energy out!

Tip 3 – ask yourself “what am I grateful for in this moment?” Think of five things that you are grateful for and say them out loud. You cannot be in fear and be in gratitude at the same time. Gratitude is the easiest way to shift your focus from fear and anger to feeling happy and blessed. Open your heart and use the blessings in your life to change what you are focused on. Focus on gratitude and you will feel less stress instantly!

Tip 4 – use your breath! When you are stressed – your breathing starts to become rapid and quick. When you are not breathing deeply – your breath is not reaching the cells in your body. By breathing deeply you will send the message to your body that it is OK to relax. Quick breathing sends the opposite message to your body. So consciously think about breathing deeply and filling your body with cleansing air. Picture your breath filling your body with relaxing energy! This makes a huge difference in how your body is responding to the things that you are feeling and dealing with.

Tip 5 – smile… simple as that! Smile BIG! When you smile it instantly boosts your mood. Find something that makes you smile or laugh. Laughter and smiling will remind you not to take yourself too seriously. This will help you to move out of anger, fear or frustration and into happiness and joy. Choosing to smile makes all the difference in the world! So do it!

These tips will help you to cut stress in 60 seconds or less. The less you stress the happier, healthier and more joyful you are. Don’t let yourself get caught up in stress – it will just hold you back from creating a life you love. And remember – “don’t worry about a thing – cause every little thing is going to be alright!”


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