Who Moved My Qi?
Feng Shui is about the simple concept of Qi.
It is about finding it, collecting it and circulating it.
Qi (pronounced chee) is the life-force energy that exists in all things. Every culture has its own version. In Japan, it is called Ki. In India, prahna, ancient Romans called it spiritus – the breath of life. Greeks names it pneuma, in Hebrew it is ruch and rhor in Arabic.
In Feng Shui, we are interested in natural Qi from the environment. Real Qi comes from the mountains and the water on our planet. It is not something you buy and put in your back yard.
Qi can also be explained as either being positive and harmonious (called Sheng Qi) or dead and stagnant (called Sha Qi.) Of course, we always prefer Sheng Qi.
In the 1998 best-selling book “Who Moved My Cheese” two mice contemplated the search for happiness and success by searching for their cheese. Sometimes I think about Qi in the same way. You are going along your path in life and everything is flowing smoothly and then all of a sudden, there seems to be speed bumps and detours and you lose your Qi flow. Where did it go? How can you get it back?
Well, in realistic terms, Qi is in the environment so it has not gone anywhere. You just may not be tapping into its positive energy at the moment. Never fear. A few tips to get it back include:
· Check your LUCK PILLARS in your BaZi Chart (must be done by an expert in BaZi Chinese Astrology). The rough time you are going through may not have anything to do with you personally, but everything to do with the luck pillar you are currently in.
· MEDITATE to ask yourself the true meaning behind what you are experiencing. Only you have the real answers and meditation helps you tap into the deep level answers.
· Pick a YI CHING. When you ask the universe for help and use Yi Ching as your tool, the answer comes directly from a higher source. I do Plum Blossom Yi Ching, which is sub-system based on tapping into a specific time and moment for an answer.
· Take a look at your home and office to see if the energy is off. Is your Qi flowing? It is stuck and stale. You may need a FENG SHUI RE-BOOT.
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