Nurturing the Root of Authenticity

Business Heroine Magazine


What do you consider your “identity?”

Many times when I ask this question I hear replies like this: “I’m a mother,” “I’m a wife,” “I’m a boss,” “I’m a business owner,” or something in regards to a profession- “I’m a teacher,” “I’m a lawyer,” “I’m a life coach.”

Let’s face it, as women we have some pretty awesome roles including being mothers, wives, partners, daughters, business owners and friends. However, those things are only roles, they are not your identity.
Identity is not found in titles, positions, bank accounts, relationship or social status.

Identity is your root.
It is your authentic being.
You can think of it like this:
Imagine a tree.
Your authentic core is the root of that tree.
Everything on that tree is connected to the core.
The question is- are you watering your root?
Are you paying attention to your core?
The state of your root affects the trunk of the tree.
Does your trunk stand solid and grounded?
Or will the slightest rough weather snap it?
Perhaps your trunk sways in the wind- shifting back and forth?
Your roles are like the branches on that tree.
They stem from your trunk.
How are your branches?
Are they yielding fruit or withered leaves?
What frequently happens is we put all of our focus on the branches.
Those are the parts we see and what others see about us.
We start to ignore the root.
We ignore our true core.

But it is there that your power lies.

It is your authentic root that makes you the type of mother that you are, the type of wife, boss, sister, girlfriend, daughter and friend that you are.

It makes you the woman that you are.
That root needs to be watered, nurtured and loved.
Don’t get so caught up in your roles that you lose your identity.
Focus on what lies deep beneath the surface.

Honor your authentic being, live from your root and watch the positive effect it has on your branches and roles.

Most importantly, watch the fruit that will blossom within yourself – the fruits of passion, purpose, self-worth and self-love.





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