Ready for a Breakthrough?


When you look back on this spring, the past year and on your entire life – will you smile?

A smile that’s a combo of satisfaction, part gratitude, part “holy sh*t I can’t believe that happened?”

A happy cocktail of joy, amusement, exhilaration and astonishment? Are you ready for a breakthrough season, year and lifetime?

It may not be all rainbows, butterflies, and perfection. But you have the choice to step up your game, reveal your unique contribution and rock the heck out of your world. Big-time.

You can challenge yourself to become more, create more, receive more and achieve more. Remember the world does not benefit from you hiding your badassery.

Let me share some ways to mix up the potent elixir of joy and breakthroughs.

1) Take Action!

Dreaming, scheming and writing ideas down are starting points. From there, you need to kick it into A-C-T-I-O-N.

Let’s simplify and say there are 2 types of people in this world.

Type 1: Those who have ideas, think about them, and stop there.
Type 2: Those who have ideas, get creative and make them happen.

Shall we upgrade from Type 1 to Type 2 and unveil your brilliance in the world?

Start now. When you have a juicy idea, write it down then immediately take an action towards making it a reality. It could be calling or e-mailing someone, writing a business proposal, asking for something you desire (perhaps a hot date), planning a trip around the world, or buying a pet unicorn (to ride on your trip around the world, obviously).

Whatever, just put the wheels in motion and you’ll be racing towards a kick-ass life!

2) Do What You Love!

Do you know people that complain about their work? I mean COMPLAIN! How about you? Does what you do make you grumpologist or joyologist?

Break out of old patterns of “have tos” and step into ENJOYING what you do. It’s all choice baby – choose the smile inducing stuff.

Happiness, self-love, inner peace, health, wealth, success?

What more can I say? Yes, please.

Get after it. Go!

3) Ditch the Fear Monsters!

Fear: friend or foe? How you handle it is your choice. Allow it to inspire and push you into greatness.

Whenever you try something new, something that has the potential to be a step up into the life you dream of, you may feel fear. It’s totally normal. Acknowledge it, and make a choice to move around or beyond it.

Tame that beast, make it your friend and ally, and watch your life rocket right off the awesomeness charts.

4) Apply Yourself!

Fabulously successful people usually have one great commonality; they do the work with intention. Some people have natural talents and abilities which make things easier, but every single one of them has put in effort to get where they are now.

Putting our energy into something gives us a chance to glitter, sparkle and make a mark on The Universe.

*Side note: I believe that “hard work” doesn’t actually have to feel “hard.”  What if “working hard” is an old paradigm that can now be changed? What if work felt easier and more rewarding? What if “hard” was a choice and putting energy into your dreams and desires started to feel light? Ready for more ease?

*Here’s a secret: generative action will create a positive feedback loop. You start putting your heart and soul into your “work,” and great things will start happening in your life. Your blog gets more hits, you get more sales, and make more money, you have a million dates lined up, whatever. You feel accomplished and amazing.

You like the way you feel and want to keep the momentum going because you have more excitement, joy and dedication. Soon you’re rocking and rolling down Breakthrough Street.

When you persevere, improve, learn, take chances, and believe in yourself, you can achieve miraculous things. You really can.

Yes, YOU!

Make this YOUR time!  Step up your game, make your mark in the world and get prepared to smile. Life’s too short not to shimmer and shine. We are thirsty for that special gift of YOURS. Unveil yourself and bring your greatest self to the game. Shall we?


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