What It Really Takes to Work with High-Paying Clients


One of the main reasons that women business owners give for not creating high-end programs is that they don’t have enough experience. They believe that only coaches, consultants or solo-professionals who’ve been in business for years, or who have a ton of credentials are qualified to command $2,000 (or more) a day.

If you fall into this camp, I’m going to give you a bit of shocking information: 

When a personal enrolls in a high-end program, the expertise of the coach, consultant or solo-professional is the least important factor.

It sounds crazy but according to psychologists, your level of experience accounts for only ten percent of a person’s decision-making. Thirty percent comes from your presence — how you relate to your potential client.

This is boils down to whether or not your potential client trusts you and feels that you’re genuine. They want to know that you understand them and the particular pain that they are in. 

The biggest percentage of a potential client’s decision-making process, about sixty percent, which determines whether or not a potential clients hires you comes from them—the potential client. The client will likely hire you if she’s committed herself to solving her problem. That commitment is sealed when she makes the investment to work with you.

People who aren’t fully committed to resolving their issue never have the “time” or “money” to work with you.

In comparison, committed, high-paying clients are ready get down to business and are just looking to connect with the right coach or consultant.
As a business owner, this means that your main job is to create marketing that effectively weeds out the tire-kickers and people who haven’t made the decision to take control of their money/business, health, or relationship(s).

Your mission is to attract committed people who are actively looking to solve their urgent problem or to achieve a specific goal. 

Once someone has given you her credit card information, she’s announced her intention to improve her life. Your role then is to hold her accountable to reaching her goals. Holding clients accountable doesn’t require a high level of skill.

However, it does mean that you are willing to address the client when you feel that she is not meeting her own commitment. What all of this means is that brand new coaches, consultants and solo-professionals can offer high-end offers; you’re not at a disadvantage. Furthermore is you’re an experienced business owner, you’re leaving money on the table by not upgrading your marketing to attract committed, high-paying clients.



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