Do Sales Stress You Out?

Mikki Kingrey (Business Heroine Magazine)

You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that comes around whenever you have to pick up the phone to have a sales conversation (or strategy session)?  You would rather just hide away behind your computer learning the latest fad on how to get new clients without talking to anyone…EVER.

Then there is the stress about:

  • the beginning and end of every month
  • getting new clients
  • how to run your business that feels like you

I know, I get it.  

But that stress you feel about not wanting to have a sales conversation (or everything else) is actually making your sales conversations so much worse.  When you have stress (a lot or a little) it actually impacts the way your brain – and body – work.  It causes you to move into this place where you might not even be able to remember your oldest child’s first name!  

Yep, it’s true.  Stress really gets in there and messes things up.  And if you don’t feel comfortable or confident in your sales conversations to start with it’s only going to be worse.

So how do you get out of stress when you want or need more sales AND sales stresses you out?

I’ve got two answers for you  –  Skills and Surrender.


When you learn the skills to having a sales conversation in a way that feels good – it feels like you, you feel confident and comfortable – just like you are picking up the phone to call your best friend – you will be always be able to bring in new clients.  

That reduces your stress right there.

But since they both impact each other, we also need to impact the stress of other parts of your business. Because even killing it during the sales conversation with your new skills can get tripped up temporarily if you are a stress case.  Your potential clients can feel that and run.  Fast.


It’s time to release what you can’t control and focus on what you can.  From this place take an action that you feel inspired to take next.  Sometimes you have to let everything go.  Take a walk, go for a run, be in nature, find a homeopathic stress serum (just kidding, kind of).   

Let it all go.  Then come back fresh.  Dig back into your skills and take the next step.  

You can do this.  


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

Do you get stressed out by sales conversations? What ideas do you have for beating sales stress? Leave your answer in the comments below! 



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