Sacred Sassy Heroine: Seduce Me, Don’t Sell Me!

Business Heroine Magazine


Sacred Sassy Heroine: This is the every day goddess within each woman. It is she who harnesses the unfeigned feminine energy that makes you divine. She embraces all-she-is and struts it like she means it. Tonight is the full moon. This cosmic event serves as a reminder to crack out of your proper exoskeleton and reconnect with the howling sister within. She is sacred. She is sassy. She is YOU. And she is a Heroine.

Am I the only one who is drowning in everyone else’s expertise, answers and “sure fire fix”?

I read once that even in ancient Egypt there was pyramid propaganda pedaled from region to region. As the mysterious hieroglyphics were being decoded, conflicting messages were revealed. Such and such Kingdom supposedly won this battle, but no wait, these guys claim they won the battle. Who are we to believe? Not much has changed in thousands of years.

As Business Heroines it’s disheartening to try and compete with the outrageous promises and marketing tactics that pollute the market.

Do you get bold and on board, and just make outlandish claims? Do you explain that everyone else is obviously just blowing smoke up the public’s butt? Do I say, “screw it” and go watch Sex in the City reruns?

Thankfully I’m not a marketing coach so I won’t attempt to answer that for you. Instead I’m going old school ethics 101 on your ass.

1.)  Merely claiming you’re an expert does not make you one!

I’ve heard expertise reduced to nothing more than “decide you’re the expert and you’ll be one” at more than 1 seminar or training. I want to stand up and scream, “Bull shit!” at the top of my lungs each time I hear that.

Mastery is built on practice. It’s not a weekend certification, or even 10 years of schooling. Expertise is the result of experience of making mistakes and learning from them. This takes time. Pouring grape juice into a wine bottle doesn’t make it wine! Relax into the joy of the journey. Gaining mastery in your field will surely come if you devote yourself to it, if you are humble, and stay in beginner’s mind, constantly learning along the way.

When you’re an expert you’ll know and so will we! When you’re only pretending to be, same goes, you know it and guess what so do we!

2.)  Everyone loves an underdog.

Believe it or not it’s your imperfect humanity that others relate to most. When selling anything, you’re selling yourself. Do not omit the imperfections.

Your authenticity fosters trust more than placing yourself on a pedestal ever will. It is your very experience of having been at the bottom and still occasionally stumbling that assures them you really get it!

Sometimes we work so hard to cover those old despicable parts up that we come off as fake, untouchable, and holier than thou. Yuck, what a turn off! Even if you are the expert, please be a humble one! 

3.)  Live it before you give it!

The old saying “practice what you preach” still stands. It is in fact the magic formula to embodying your work. Be honest about what you know and what you don’t know.

It begins by applying the salve you’re selling to your own wounds first. I emphasize this over and over again in our Vividly Woman Coach Training. My head could spin with how many times I’ve heard myself say, “Before you lead any client through the processes, you must experience them for yourself!” Whatever you’re talking, you best be walking it as well!

That’s how you get behind your product 100%, by knowing in every cell of your body that it really works! I’m not interested in hearing one more broke person tell me how to get rich. The old myth that it’s easier to fix someone else’s issues than your own is just that, a myth! It’s only easier to talk about fixing them.

When you are using what you’re selling and living what you’re teaching there is way less trying involved. There is a confidence and authenticity that speaks volumes.

Do us all a favor. Keep it real sister! Seduce me with who you are, not who you think I need you to be.




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