Self-Publishing Your Own eBook = No Cost Advertising


As you may have already figured out or personally experienced, social media advertising on platforms such as such as Facebook, Linked In and search engine ads like Google Adwords, can be very costly. Your credit card is charged every time a curious browser clicks on your ad. Unfortunately, many of these “curiosity clickers” have no intention of opting in to your list or signing up for your tele-class or your services or programs. But, you know what? You still pay for every single click.

Wouldn’t it be really cool if you could advertise and promote your business in a more targeted way where you know you’re reaching your ideal clients 100% of the time? Wouldn’t also be cool if you could even PROFIT directly from promoting your business instead of spending money on advertising? Well, you definitely can and lots of entrepreneurs are doing it today!

Self-publishing your own eBook provides a cost effective alternative to traditional and online advertising. Actually, a well constructed, lead generating eBook does not have to cost you anything at all! Let’s break this down. These are the key elements that go into the creation of a basic, self-published eBook:

• Writing the content: $0.00 (Author provides the content)

• Editing/proofreading: $0.00 (Can be done by friend, family member. Optionally, this can be professionally for $200+)

• eCover: $5.00 (I use where jobs like this cost only $5.00, however you can also have this done by a graphic designer for about $300)

• File formatting: $0.00 (there are many easy to follow guides provided by Amazon that make it simple to do the formatting yourself. Alternatively, a professional can do this for you for under $150)

• Uploading your eBook to Amazon: $0.00 (There is no cost to set up an Author account or sell you eBook on Amazon – and it’s really EASY to upload too!)

Depending on how much involvement you choose to have in publishing your eBook, the cost can realistically range from $0 up to $750 or more. The clients I work with tend to have incredible results from spending less than $100 on the elements I’ve listed out above.

Unfortunately, the online promotional ads with Facebook, Linked In, and Google Adwords run on either time or dollar limits. Once your budget runs out for the day, week or month, your ad is taken down until the next day or when you re-enlist. But once published, your eBook continues to live on, telling your story, advertising your products and programs, substantiating your expert credibility, and reaching millions of interested readers all over the world – FOREVER!


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