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5 Self-Care Tips for Life and Business
One of the biggest complaints I hear when women are drawn to work with me in my year long journey program is:
“I don’t have enough time or energy to do all the things on my list…how can I add MORE stuff, MORE Self-Care…where do I start?”
After 16 yrs of coaching, 3 businesses, having a kid, a 3-year-marriage and well…life in general, I’ve learned to get REALLY honest with myself.
If you are nodding as you read that comment above, I want to suggest (ever-so-lovingly) that you’re spending time on things that aren’t all that important because you’re not 100% clear on WHAT you ARE spending your time on, what you should REALLY be spending your precious time on and WHY.
So I wanted to share 4 things that I KNOW will help you starting NOW:
1) Grab a copy of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown and listen or read twice.
2) Start SOME kind of journaling/morning pages process where you come to connect with YOU and actually get to know yourself.
3) Make a list of open loops in your life (things you meant to get to and never did), then decide whether you still really want to do them or not. If not, cross them off. If yes, – write down WHY you want to do it and make a 1-next-step-to move forward.
4) Clear your spaces. NO clutter. Make this a top priority. Even if you need to hire someone to do it. Create space for your dreams to breathe.
5) Each day, move your body in SOME way. You are your vehicle of success. Start moving at least 20-30 minutes.
Got it? You’re so worth it!
We’d love to hear from YOU…
What are your favorite self-care tips? How do you stay balanced in life and business? Leave your answer in the comments below!
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