Cover Story: Shara Raqs and Danielle Cornelius – Creative Fulfillment Through Seasons And Cycles

Shara Raqs and Danielle Cornelius

Shara Raqs is a dancer, designer and self-taught data scientist who discovered the Creative Feminine Process after observing patterns in nature. She’s also the CEO of WOMB®, a female-focused, quantified-self startup that helps women enter into peak states of creative flow.

Dr. Danielle Cornelius is a women’s health chiropractic physician. Her practice is located in Portland, Oregon where she offers gentle chiropractic bodywork, holistic pelvic care™, and preventative energy medicine for the whole body. Her services provide women with alternatives to drugs and surgery for a wide variety of issues we are usually told we have to deal with as “part of being a woman” or often find no or only drastic measures for treatment and less than satisfactory results. She is passionate about educating women everywhere in the subtle arts of feminine energy as a way to find balance, strength and harmony in their bodies and lives.

Enjoy their exclusive Business Heroine interview…


BH: How did you end up doing what you do? Tell us your story!   

Shara and Danielle: We are where we are today because we made the difficult choice to opt out and tune in. We both had very lucrative careers in technology and advertising but not only were they completely unsustainable, they came at a great cost to our wellbeing. The constant stress, 24/7 on-demand client schedules, and neglect of our physical needs just to power through the insane demands of our workday wasn’t worth it anymore.

We knew there was a more balanced “female modus operandi”. So we left our careers to pursue our calling and discover a more sustainable way. It was a leap of faith, but the reward for divorcing from linear business models at the expense of cyclical reality and wellbeing has not only resulted in creative flourishing, but allowed space for deeply meaningful processes, like the cultivation of our core talents and true strengths.

Now we both have a Work-Life Practice embedded into our businesses that honors our cyclical natures as women. And it’s our cyclical Work-Life Practice that has allowed us to enjoy more Work-Life Balance.


Business Heroine Magazine


BH: What is your ‘Wake Up Call for the World?’ In other words, what is most of the world asleep about that you would love to wake up?   

Shara and Danielle: Balance is built into Nature. And Nature operates in seasons and cycles. This #cyclewisdom is deeply embedded in our bodies, and a Creative Feminine Process is key to breaking from the cultural standards of linear “production.”

In fact the most radical and heroic thing a woman in business can do for herself is retreat, rest, slow down, rejuvenate and restore, when she needs to. That’s the secret hidden in plain sight. 50% of the Cycle is waning. 50! So the more receptive we become to our cyclical reality, the more we naturally opt-out of linear modes of hyper-production. And the more we tune in to #cyclewisdom, the more we creatively flourish. It’s counterintuitive, but cyclical rhythms are simply facts of life. And we’ve personally discovered that when we follow our own cyclical rhythms, it is *very* good for business!



BH: What are the biggest challenges or aspirations your clients come to you with, and what does your work make possible for them?   

Shara and Danielle: Women come to us because they are silently suffering. They too are pushing against the cyclical rhythms of the body for the sake of hyper-productivity. Just like we used to.

Our primary work as Dr. & Dancer gives us a unique perspective on the female body and its cyclical processes. The SHE-Rx helps women restore mind-body balance, and return to feminine instinct and intuitive knowing, while the Creative Feminine Process helps women achieve peak states of Creative Flow, in tune with seasons and cycles.

Overall women using our Work-Life Practices become more vitalized, body-aware, creative and productive. And in a way that is deeply resonant with their Feminine Nature. It’s an honor that our work allows for this kind of blossoming.



BH: We’re curious about your breakthrough moment in business. Looking back, what created the breakthrough?   

Shara and Danielle: In opting out and tuning in, not trying to force a financial goal, our breakthrough moment was able to happen organically. We both created enough space in our lives for inspiration, so we were able to discover our body of work.

Looking back, our willingness to play the long-term game and honor #cyclewisdom is what has lead to the Creative Fulfillment we experience in our work. Although it might not make 6-figures overnight, Inspired Work generates exponential value through deep and lasting cycles of time. And after 5 years of putting #cyclewisdom into practice in both our businesses, we each have a Body of Work that will contribute to our professional fields of interest for the duration of our careers. That is the ultimate value of the Creative Feminine at work. Deep and lasting creative contribution. For long-term, sustainable prosperity.



BH: What words of wisdom do you have for all the emerging Business Heroines out there who are on the cusp of creating their own purpose-based business?   

Shara and Danielle: Be #cyclemindful! Trust the process. It’s not about 7 easy steps. It’s not about 7 figures. It’s about 7 generations.


Special Offer from Heroine Shara Raqs!

Experience the 1st and most overlooked phase of the Creative Feminine Process. Your Creative Awakening begins with Creative Retreat. Click the image to get started!

Shara Raqs (Business Heroine Magazine)


Special Offer from Heroine Danielle Cornelius!

SELF-CARE KIDNAPPER: It’s an inside job! Get on Dr. Danielle’s email list and receive 30 days of simple and practical — yet, radical — self-care adventures direct to your inbox. You will also receive loving reminders plus news + announcements from time to time. Click the image to sign up!

Danielle Cornelius (Business Heroine Magazine)




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