Spiritual Biz Lessons – Look, Listen, and Speak Your Way to Success


Recently, I led a series of calls with the top leaders in my network marketing team, and a theme kept emerging – personal development in business is critical to success. The number one thing that holds folks back from what they desire is a limiting mindset, because the actions you take (or don’t take) always stem from your thoughts.

Here are some spiritual business lessons that will support you on your path to success:

1) LOOK for What You Want. I love the book, E Squared, by Pam Grout. There’s an exercise in the book about looking for something very specific and watching how it appears in your life. Take butterflies for instance. Initially I doubted the chances that I would see a butterfly during the day, but here’s what happened: I picked a daily inspiration card from my favorite deck and the image on it was of a butterfly! Shocked, I flipped through the rest of the cards and counted eight butterflies.

Then, I noticed a bottle of lotion – that I use daily – had butterflies on the label. I took a walk and I saw a huge decorative butterfly on the wall of a home. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and, when I glanced up, it was a butterfly at the top of a tall tree. Later that night I went to a movie and, one of the opening advertisements had about twenty butterflies fly across the screen. What does this have to do with business success? Everything! You find what you look for. So what has your attention – People who complain and throw every objection your way? Or positive can-do people who love your products and business? Decide right now to intentionally look for what you want.

2) LISTEN to the Divine Nudges. Intuition definitely has a place in business. Whether you resonate with the word Spirit, Universe, or God, the divine whispers messages to you, so pay attention. A few years ago I was reminded of this lesson in an unfortunate circumstance. I had an investment opportunity that seemed perfect. The numbers were enticing, and it made sound, logical sense. The problem was, I was getting nudges from the Universe to stay away. I had a weird feeling in my gut and was told by a few people not to go through with the investment. I didn’t listen, though, and ended up losing a lot of money. Now, I pay close attention to those divine messages! Listen to the subtle hints the Universe sends you. If someone’s name arises in your mind out of nowhere, consider picking up the phone and calling them. If a book is mentioned numerous times during the week, perhaps an important message you need.

3) SPEAK Your Intentions. Part of having an empowering mindset is acknowledging that by speaking your intentions, you create your experience. Be proactive with this and set an intention each day for what you want to happen in those 24 hours. Ask for people to come into your life who are excited about your business and offerings. Expect to receive what you ask for, and express gratitude in advance. Affirmations are a one of my favorite ways to speak my intentions.

Here are some of my favorites (yes, you can borrow them)!

• I’m able to ask for what I want I get value from everything I do
• Every day I wake up to new wealth
• Money comes to me in unexpected ways for the good of all concerned

Are you attuned to success? The good and bad news is this: YOU are the only one holding you back. YOU also have the power to transform your life exactly how you want it.

What are some spiritual lessons you have learned in business?


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