She’s a Changemaker: Stop Building the Wrong Dream

She’s a Changemaker: Every heroine has a Changemaker within. She’s smitten with a dream that feels bigger than she is, and she dares to rise into it. She bravely steps beyond her fear, choosing instead her soul’s deepest desires. She has the audacity to disturb, defy, and go her own way. Heed the call of your inner fire, heroine, and together let’s change our world.

Stop Building the Wrong Dream and Start Changing the World!

When you build your true dream, you can start to be the change you want to see in your world…from your heart, to your home, community, work and beyond.

Easier to say than do, you say? Yup…

Let’s look at why this matters, what the challenges are AND the action steps you can take to get yourself on track as a business heroine who says she will, and does.


Right now, there are thousands of women worldwide working hard to build a dream that is not theirs.

Many are putting their energy, time, money, and resources in projects they don’t believe in.

Some are stopping themselves just shy of taking action, because naysayers tell them “You can’t do that” or “It’ll never work”. Or they talk themselves out of it for years while pushing paper as some j.o.b. (yup, that’s my story)

Thousands of women lose their flame, burn out, and quit on their true dreams means before they start. I was one of them. When that happens to a woman, we all lose because her true dreams are the ones that could actually change her world, and ours.


Anne-Sophie Dumetz (Business Heroine Magazine)


How Women are Changing the World

In the US alone, there were close to 10 million women-owned businesses in 2014, generating 1.4 trillion dollars in sales. Women are creating new businesses daily, and changing their lives. This is great news to see so many women stepping up and believing in themselves enough to grow into their business dreams!

AND, it’s important that new business women feel clear and confident that their efforts align with their true dreams… Not the ones they’re “told” to build by their peers or society. Otherwise, they may end up creating something they don’t love or want to invest in.

As a business heroine and a female changemaker, you are here lead the way for other women with focused fire, soulful message and a brave heart.


Just imagine what will happen in our families, communities, and world when every woman follows her inner calling and feels safe wanting what she wants… And feels clear and brave enough build that.

When I feel into this vision, all I can see is one woman rising into her dreams and learning to focus her time, energy, efforts on growing businesses that make her feel alive, proud, excited, joyful and on fire as she shares her work with the world.

She’s becoming the vibrant, soulful woman who has the energy to take on the world! She’s being the change, and she’s inspiring the women in her circles to do the same.

THIS is true change.

And it starts just one heart, and home at a time. It starts right now, in this moment, of choosing to love yourself enough to honour your dreams and build them.


Yes, it can be easy to get set up online… the true challenge comes from building a new habit that many women who are in their 20s, 30s and 40s and beyond didn’t grow up with:

Saying YES to their desires.

Many women live completely disconnected from their true desires. They’re  unable to hear their intuition. Or if they hear it, they don’t know how to trust it and act confidently based on their intuition. And yes, that so used to be me!


Step 1: Get a Heaping Cup of Honesty

To start, you must must ask yourself if you’re truly feeling proud, joyful and aligned with your life and work, day to day. If it’s feeling like an uphill battle, is it because you’re burdened by fear? Get clear, get honest and then decide what you need to let go of, or grow.

Step 2: Don’t Make Your Dream & Biz Vision only about YOU

In the a recent challenge, I asked women to consider not who their ideal client is, but whose life they are here to change. In the process, we also see what fears are blocking them and who they need to become to be true changemakers. Shifting the work of building your biz to make it about how you serve and give vs. who you are can truly help you grow into the version of you who’s a changemaker.

Step 3: Show Up for Yourself Daily

Personally, I have a daily practice that reconnects me with my soul and heart. It’s taken a lot of courage to commit to my dreams enough to sit down daily and make some space to hear my soul. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Just pick a time, and start with 1 minute… than add another, and another!

When you start with these 3 steps, you’ll be one step closer to being the changemaking leader you’re here to be!

So go ahead… put your big girl panties on, and do what it takes to build the RIGHT dream… So you can change your world, and mine.


Business Heroine Magazine


We’d love to hear from YOU…

Have you been building the wrong dream? What is it that you feel that you’re truly meant to do with your life?  Leave your answer in the comments below! 




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