Surrender – How Even Mishaps are Here to Serve You
I’d been feeling the pull for months to rent out my home and get out on the road and travel…to heed my Soul’s nudges, and surrender everything I thought I “should” be doing in favor of what felt most inspiring and fun for me.
To me it was an act of faith–a statement to the Universe that I was ready and willing to step up my commitment to my own sense of adventure and fun, to demonstrate to myself that we actually are designed to thrive instead of struggle or strain, and that when we are true to our desires, Life supports us in that. That this is the path to right livelihood.
At the time of this writing, I am more than two-thirds of the way through this adventure, and have gained more wisdom and experience than I could have imagined at the start after such a short time.
I’ve been documenting my travels and the lessons learned at over the 30 days. One particularly potent lesson came just a few days ago…
I was having the most magical day, and was over in the Dumbo area of Brooklyn, right across from Manhattan with spectacular views of the Brooklyn bridge and city skyline.
I had stopped in this super funky cafe just before getting to the waterfront, and was passing by there again after soaking up the view and taking some photos when I realized something was amiss. There was water in my bag that had everything in it, including my computer. A LOT of water.
Everything was wet, including my (non-waterproof) computer case. When I pulled my Macbook Pro out of the case, there was literally water running out the back of it. Not good.
Aside from me or someone I love being sick or injured, this was up there in terms of things I did not want to happen. My computer is the key tool I use in my business. It has everything on it, and everything I do is virtual!
My computer has actually been a dear friend, and as I watched water drip out it, it was clear that my friend was very sick – and possibly dead.
Yet something very unusual happened. I didn’t react. I felt neutral. Not at ALL the way I might have reacted in the past. I even surprised myself. It was all a bit surreal.
The water bottle that I’d put in the bag had just been filled, and every last drop of water had spilled out of it. I am still not sure how. I’m so careful, and the cap even looked closed when I pulled the emptied bottle out with everything else.
So I’m on this adventure, surrendering to my Soul’s flow, and this happens. What’s a Business Heroine to make of this?
This was the super cool part. I had a number of thoughts come to me about how and why this had happened, including:
- I’d been spending too much time on the computer and it was a message to me that it was time to unplug and hit reset
- I had too many outdated files and emails weighing me down, and this would now force me to clean the slate
- Up-levels in vibration (something I’d definitely been experiencing) often makes electronics a mis-match and it was time for a faster, lighter computer
- My Soul was showing me how I’ve shifted my level of trust regardless of what happens (given how calmly I handled the whole thing)
- My Soul was testing me on how abundant I feel if I do need to buy a new computer (this was a $2000 machine that did not need to be replaced yet…)
- I was showing myself how supported I am, as I had amazing service through it all, from Apple, friends, family
- I was testing myself on how good I can feel and the degree of magic and miracles I can allow regardless of the “facts,” i.e., the prognosis was not good for the computer but I’m willing to allow something amazing to happen, whether with the old computer or in manifesting a new one
- There was a time when I would have beat myself up mercilessly for what happened (it was my error that the spill happened) but didn’t go there at all
Perhaps the most amazing thing of all is that every one of these possible interpretations/insights make me feel good! I did not at all go into negative feeling or a downward spiral. I assumed that my Soul and the Universe has my back, and there is only benefit to me in what happened, regardless of what it looked like on the surface.
The value of realizing that as part of this adventure in surrendering to my Soul’s flow? Absolutely priceless.
The moral of the story is: can you find how literally EVERYTHING is serving you, regardless of how “bad” it seems to be at the time?
If you look for it, you will find it.
Great post Lisa! I am loving the connection of
our energetic threads as you expand yourself and contribute to all of us…hugs from San Francisco…see you in T Town in October. Xxx Solange